Sunday 30 August 2009

Workplace Tools

Have you ever truly noticed the people that you work with? Have you ever sat, in silence, and listened to the things they talk about? As I write this I'm sitting at my respective place of employment (on a Saturday no less) listening to the conversations of my co-workers. It's a tad bit amazing and hilarious at the same time. In the 30 minutes that we have been here, the topics have ranged from how to illegally download movies, to the "white" part of the egg at McDonald's and how bizarre it is, to the latest edition of the newest comic series. Now I am an admitted people-watcher, but it's almost as much fun to listen to what they're saying.
You know, it amazes me that there are people in the world that have actually DONE everything there is to do on this earth!!! There's a particular fellow that works at the same place I do that, no matter what the topic of conversation, he's done it; he's done it better, faster, and longer than YOU have. It interests me why people are like this. Was he not shown enough love as a little boy and now he's overcompensating for the time lost? Peculiar.
Then there's the Captain of Tools....this freakin' guy walks around like he has never passed gas before and if he were to fart, it would smell like the very lilies from heaven. He portryas himself as a world traveler who's main devotion is all things Asian. Huh? He has had minor success at our place of employment and acts as if he's the greatest salesman in the history of sales. (Zig would be proud!) I bet he's got three testicles and 3 toes.
Then there's the quiet chick. Very pretty, but very elusive. Seems to do a good job for the company, but probably, behind closed doors, likes candle wax on her nipples and handcuffs laced with fur. The comic geek is rather humorous with his constant babbling on about this and that inside the fantasy world in which he spends 30% of his time. (The only reason he doesn't spend more time there is because the Company takes the other 70%) He seems like a nice enough guy though.....I guess. There are people who are hung over from too much of a good things last night. Are you serious? Are you still in college? Come on a bit more responsible.
Work on a weekend definitely sucks on ice, but we can always find advantages to the cards that life deals us......if we just listen closely.