Saturday 21 November 2009

God, Sports, and "Spiritual 'Roids"

I should begin this posting my admitting that I am a sports nut. I love (most) sports, warts and all. I love the fact that there are people who get paid obscene amounts of money to play a child's game. I love the fact that we, as Americans, care more about our favorite football fantasy league that we do about who is 'representing" us in Congress. We really love our sports in this country; and that's o.k.

But here's a hang up that I have with sports; athletes, coaches, and fans routinely ask god to cheat. That's right folks! Honest, hard-working Americans, who have never stolen or told a lie in their lives ask god to cheat for their respective sports team weekly, if not daily.

Confused? Don't be, here's what I'm referring to. Think about the last time you saw your favorite baseball player setting up to the plate and "crossing-up" before digging in. Or a running back on your fantasy team score his 2ND touchdown of the day and points to the sky upon entering the promised land. Are these athletes not asking god to cheat by asking him to give their team a victory? Does god care who wins the World Series, even if it's the damn dreaded Yankees? I mean, if we're all god's children aren't those ask him to help their team win, asking him to be something less than the Almighty? Does he love his children in New York or Boston more than those in Atlanta, or Lenoir City? (actually if you look at the recent history of L.C. football this may be the case!)

I chuckle every time I see a athlete lob his or her hail Mary to heaven. I seriously doubt that god is necessarily a Cowboys fan, "America's team" or not.

On what criteria do I base this conclusion, you ask? It's simple; if god were rooting for a specific team they would stick out like a sore thumb because they would never, ever lose! They would be the greatest dynasty that ever existed! I really don't think Bear Bryant could out coach god.....(that's right 'Bama fans, the bear wasn't actually god, you just treated him like he was.)

I mean, isn't this the equivalent of spiritual steroids? By performing these superstitious acts, believing it's somehow reaching your god, aren't you, in fact, asking him to less that a god?

Just something to think about the next time you see a player "cross-up" before taking his swings against Mo Rivera with 2 out in the bottom of the 9Th.