Saturday 12 December 2009

They're Baaaaaaaack!

Well, with another 3 undefeated teams (Cincinnati, T.C.U. & Boise St.) left out of the National Championship picture for college football, good ol' Uncle Sam is rushing in to save the day!
According to a USA Today article there's actually a bill, nearly a year old now, that would prohibit the NCAA from declaring a "champion" unless the champion came as a result of "a single elimination, post-season, play-off system for which all NCAA Division I FBS conferences and affiliated Division I FBS teams are eligible." (H.R. 390)

Oh! My dear readers! Where in the hell do I start with this one? Honestly, I'm torn on this issue. Not because of the intent to make the BCS (Bullshit Caca Scam) actually HAVE a play-off to determine a true national champion. No argument here. I've wanted one from nearly day one. And I draw the line in the sand on this single point: every other sport in the NCAA has a play-off to determine who reigns supreme; why not football? The simple answer; money!!!
Now you all know how I feel about the government getting involved in relatively minor issues. The college football national champion would certainly qualify as a minor issue. I mean, it's not like we've got a fucking WAR going on or anything! Oh yeah...and then there's that whole health care thing.
But in my hypocrisy, I can make an exception in this instance. But understand that when it comes to Uncle Sam jamming his fat nose where it doesn't belong, I reserve the right to change my mind completely!

Understand that college football is a huge business. The cities that hosted BCS games last year brought in an amazing 1.2 billion in total revenue. And it's because of this incredible amount of income for the cities involved and nothing short of a federal mandate will not make the "old money" let loose of the purse strings.
And lastly, Citi is the official sponsor of the BCS National Championship game. Didn't you and I, John Q. Public, bail these jackwads out of their shitty business dealings? Hmmmm. I thought so. Feels pretty good to have my own bowl game!