Wednesday 13 January 2010

Drinkin' The "Lane Train" Kool-Aid

Somewhere, Phil Fulmer is laughing his ass off.
Somewhere in the greater Los Angeles metroplex, Al Davis is sitting in his white, polyester leisure suit, drinking a martini laughing his ass off.

Lane Kiffin pulled the greatest illusion and subsequent escape since Harry Houdini and the underwater death chamber. He resigned his position at the University of Tennessee, packed up and left and will hold a press conference (likely longer than the 120-second spectacle he held last night) and talk about USC being his dream job, blah, blah, blah.
Listen, I’m a capitalist of the highest order; if you’re going to pay me more money to do, basically, the same job, I’m your man. I Get it, but there’s a way in which you should leave your job. One way you don’t leave your employer is in the middle of the night, via email or text message. Kiffin has forever burned bridges at U.T. that will never be repaired. This makes the issues between Phat Phil and the University look like a love spat between Popeye and Olive Oyl; and we all know how those two parties feel about one another.

I was listening to the Petros and Money show last night on the Fox Sports radio and they were talking about this very thing. They had college football analyst Chris Landry on and he hit the nail right on the head when he said that Kiffin was not ready for the position as head at U.T.(or ANY S.E.C. school for that matter). In Hollywood, he can say all the stupid things he wants, make false accusations, and recruit criminals and nobody will care because Kobe will score 50 points in any given game and Kiffin will no longer be the main story. There are movie stars and 9 professional sports franchises to hide behind. In the South football is a religion. The head football coach at any member institution is more noticeable than the governor of the state, and likely any of the state’s representatives. Kiffin was clearly not ready for that type of spotlight.
If you think about his camera time, whether in a press conference or on the sidelines before a big game, he always looked as if he needed to take a nice big dump to clean out the system. He just never looked comfortable. I also think that his trophy wife had something to do with the move. She was never really accepted here, she didn’t like the cold weather and snow and I believe that she ultimately pulled the trigger to get the family to move.
Although I’m not a Buddhist, I am a firm believer in Karma and I know it’s a real bitch, and it will, at some point come back to bite Lane Kiffin right in the ass. I can only hope that I can be there to enjoy it. Kiffin has burned bridges at Tennessee and will likely never be back here again. I do hold out hope that we can play them in a bowl game in the next couple of years and kick his ass just out of pure spite!
Al Davis was right when he said that Kiffin would “rip this university apart”. I can’t stand Al Davis, but when you’re right; you’re right. Kiffin did EXACTLY what Davis said he would do.
Somewhere, in a cabin in the Smokies, Phil Fulmer is laughing his ass off and I don’t blame him……

Here's what some of the national sportswriters are saying about Kiffin's speedy departure:

"If there were a stock car race between all the frauds, egomaniacs, and two-faced weasels I've ever covered, Lane Kiffin would have the pole position all to himself." (Gene Wojehowski, ESPN)

"Paris Hilton has paid more dues than Lane Kiffin" (Pat Forde, Senior Writer, ESPN)

I'm putting my money on Kippy Brown, someone who knows Tennessee football, who IS loyal, and who IS honest. It stings for now, but we're better off without that jackwad.

It's be.....a Tennesee Vol!!!!