Tuesday 23 February 2010

One Man and A Bulldozer Can Do Amazing Things

Terry Hoskins, much like the late Joe Stack, has had all he can stand of the Internal Revenue Service, and his local bank. Terry, a business owner from Moscow, Ohio, just outside of Cincinnati, discovered that his mortgage company planned to foreclose on his home, which was valued at $350,000. In addition,the I.R.S. placed liens on his carpet store and other commercial property in Clermont County after his brother, a previous partner in the business, sued him.
Even more remarkable is the fact that Hoskins had received an offer by someone to pay off the home for $170,000 and the bank, River Hills Bank, outright refused, stating that they could get more for the home during the auction. So Hoskins did what any right-minded, red-blooded American would do when they find themselves between a rock and a hard place; he tore down his own house!!!

This guy, after nearly 10 years of fighting and bickering back and forth with the “powers that be” decided he’d rather have no home at all as opposed to the bank taking it away from him. “As far as what the bank is going to get, I plan on giving them back what was on this hill exactly (as) it was," Hoskins said. "I brought it out of the ground and I plan on putting it back in the ground."
Hoskins’ business, which is located in the neighboring town of Amelia, is up for auction on March 2nd, and according to reports, he’s seriously contemplating leveling that property too. Freakin’ sweet!

Now, while I can’t condone his actions, I do thoroughly enjoy them! I love the fact that this guy was literally “stuck” and decided to fight back. We, the American taxpayers take so much shit from the I.R.S. with deadlines, and our obligatory April 15th rape, that it really warms my heart when a single individual takes matters into his or her own hands. When I read the this story this morning, it made me laugh for the better part of 15 minutes. But there’s a question that is buried underneath all the chicanery; “How many more acts such as this one and the pilot flying into an I.R.S. building must happen before the government wakes up?” What must we do to show these idiots that we are overwhelmed and tired of paying the taxes that we pay for stupid crap that doesn’t matter. Yes, we need sanitation. Yes, we need paved streets, Yes, we need clean water and schools. But how much is enough? The incentive that I earn at my job is taxed at a 33% clip. Damn! It’s like being continually punched in the face with no relief.

I applaud Terry Hoskins for his act and wish him the best in the county lock-up, which is surely where he’s headed. No one will remember his name even 3 years from now, but he will forever be immortalized in the Coach Barbour blog as an anti-I.R.S. hero!
Live long and prosper inside the Force, Terry