Wednesday 24 March 2010

Healthcare: The Day After

Those of us who care enough to pay attention to the recent healthcare debates have listened intently to try and discern the direction that our country is going. This needs to be done, primarily, because politicians rarely say what they mean and generally talk out of both sides of their collective mouths.

Once all the political rhetoric has been peeled away from the various arguments, and the “truth” (or at least something that’s fairly close to the truth) can be revealed, only then can we figure out what the hell is really going on.

Is the newly signed healthcare bill socialized medicine, today? No.

Does the newly signed healthcare bill pave the way for socialized medicine in the future? Absolutely.

That’s what frightens me the most about the entire situation. Medicare was thought to be great when it first reared its head. Now we know that is a complete joke that will shortly bankrupt this country. Social Security has been insolvent for years now, and this healthcare bill will no doubt follow suit.

The bottom line is this; do you, as free men and women want to have to go to the Federal Government for your healthcare, taxes, mortgages, and student loans? Because that’s where we’re at people!!!

The government seems to be hell-bent on providing ALL of our needs! Can anyone say "Russia"? This bill aims to completely shift the paradigm for insurance of all types. Auto insurance will be next, then homeowner’s insurance.

Look, if you smoke, knock yourself out; have a great time, but don’t ask me (a non-smoker) to pay for the higher premiums that you incur because of the decision YOU made to smoke. You are at a greater risk to kick the bucket than I am, therefore, your health insurance should cost more. Why is this so difficult to grasp?

Now before you bleeding-heart liberals dive in and start screaming about the lack of coverage for uninsured people; it is completely true that the system as it stands is jacked up.

But I feel that the open market is the best place to solve the issue; not Uncle Sam. One of the main reasons that new medicines and devices cost so


Where does the train stop? How much government is enough? How many hand-outs and entitlement programs (funded by tax-payers) are enough to satisfy the craving for “free”? At what point do we take responsibility and accountability for our actions regarding our health? I’ve said 1000 times previously, health insurance will not make you healthier. All it’s going to do is allow you to run up even more medical bills that the government (see taxpayers) have to find a way to pay for. It makes no sense whatsoever!

If Uncle Sam would simply get out of the way and let the professionals take care of this mess, things would work out much better. We’ve seen the government’s best in action at the I.R.S. and the Post Office. Do you seriously want these buffoons determining when you are treated, by whom you are treated, and even IF you will be treated for whatever ails you? That’s precisely what is going to happen before the end of this decade.

In any case, the issue is far from being over as fourteen states have already lined up to file suit against the U.S. Government on the basis of the healthcare bill being unconstitutional. This one ought to be fun!