Tuesday 2 March 2010

Jim Bunning, Hallof Fame Pitcher; Pitiful Legislator; Total Piece of Crap

Jim Bunning, the Republican senator (note that I will use a small "s" when referring to him) from Kentucky is at it again. He has once again held up the much-needed extension on unemployment benefits. He has accomplished this single-handedly and for no other reason than he "wants the $10 billion price of extending the programs offset by by reductions in spending elsewhere in the budget not to drive up the deficit." (yahoonews.com)

Now I would normally applaud his boldness to try and reel in the out-of-control spending that has gone on for decades in Washington; but now really isn't the time senator! People are out of work, and apparently cannot find work and need this money. Are you seriously playing political Monopoly (good word to use here) with the taxpayers money? Especially when it is going directly to meet their immediate needs? You are some piece of work fella'!!

Here's the real kicker though....dear senator Bunning isn't running for reelection this year!! Wow! It never ceases to amaze me how brave and daring a politician becomes when they have nothing to lose! He's not running for his senate seat again, so what does he care what people, especially his own constituents, might think about his little ploy to gain some attention.

According to the article in yahoonews.com, nearly 1.2 million unemployed workers will lose their jobless benefits, including 14,000 Kentuckians. Has this old man completely lost all sense of reality and reason? Does he not understand that Kentuckians are armed to the teeth and will shoot him on sight? I mean, play your little silly-ass games all you want, but don't piss off 14,000 rednecks with shotguns! Very bad play senator....rest in peace.