Sunday 14 March 2010

Way to go Tennessee!!

As if the rest of the free world doesn't consider Tennesseans to be illiterate, inbred, hillbillies, the Memphis police department has stepped in to close the debate. According to a report from Devlin Barrett of the AP,;_ylt=Arb7ASs7kXfmiI4ckavu5EWs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTN2dW9odXZjBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwMzE0L3VzX3BlbnRhZ29uX21ldHJvX3Nob290aW5nX2d1bnMEY2NvZGUDbW9zdHBvcHVsYXIEY3BvcwMxBHBvcwMzBHB0A2hvbWVfY29rZQRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3J5BHNsawNmdWxsbmJzcHN0b3I
the guns used in both the recent Pentagon shooting, and the one that occurred at a Las Vegas courthouse both came from the great state of Tennessee; courtesy of the Memphis police department. Apparently, police departments have the option to sell weapons that have been collected from various cases in order to buy weapons for the department, as well as other equipment, such as Kevlar vests. From what I read in the article it has been common practice in the past for police departments to do this. But until now, no one ever tried to attack the Pentagon with a freaking handgun!!!
So, basically, what Memphis has done is to further promote Southern stereotypes and set us back another 25 years or so. Thank you Memphis! You know, I have pushing fr years now to have Arkansas buy Memphis from us dirt-cheap. This only strengthens the case to have Memphis sold at auction by Powell Auction Co.
Way to go Memphis! I never liked you anyway.....