Tuesday 6 April 2010

Anatomy of a Hypocrite

Most of my readers know me personally. Most of you know that I’m a pretty no-nonsense kind of guy. I am opinionated, but I have never claimed to be something other than what I am; a flawed human being. One thing I am not is a hypocrite.
There are people in this world who sit in an ivory tower and cast judgment on others. Some do it in the name of religion; others do it in the name of self-preservation. I have made mistakes in my life; lord knows. I am not perfect, and have never claimed to be.
Webster’s dictionary defines a hypocrite as, “one given to hypocrisy.” Hypocrisy, then, is, “The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness” In essence, a hypocrite is one who judges another for an action and then commits that very same action themselves. The priest who preaches against adultery, only to be found guilty of the same; that’s a hypocrite. The boyfriend who accuses his significant other of cheating, and then does the same; that’s a hypocrite. There are few things in the world more despicable than a hypocrite. Osama Bin Laden, broccoli and The Duke Blue Devils come to mind……. (Sorry Brent)
The majority of hypocrites don’t fully believe what they espouse, and that’s what makes them stand out in a crowd.

I write this blog because I like receiving feedback from you guys. I hope the blog makes you think, first and foremost, but I also hope it makes you laugh a little bit, maybe even curse me vicariously through your computer. It’s all good!
I have my opinions, and you have yours. I am open-minded enough that I am not threatened by opinions that differ from mine. That’s what makes this country great. It’s not personal; it’s your opinion. Your feelings and beliefs do not now, nor will they ever define who I am. The same can be said of my beliefs and feelings.

If you read my blog and don’t like it; good. At least I’ve challenged the way you think. If it offends you, don’t read it. If you are reading it for the sole purpose of being offended, then by all means, keep reading and I promise to do my very best to offend you!
It never ceases to amaze me how many people in this world are hypocrites. There are a large number of them in churches all over this country. “Do as the Bible says, not as I do”, they say. Please. There are good Christian people in this world, I know several personally. But one thing that I cannot stand is someone who beats you over the head with religion, and then commits the same atrocities for which they criticized another.
But whatever you do, do not use this blog as retaliatory ammunition for some ego trip that you might currently be on. Find somewhere else to play and someone else to bother. Stay confined to your pitiful, narrow-minded world and leave the rest of the thinkers to their work of makers others “think”…..if you happen to disagree with my opinion; great, tell me that I’m wrong, but back it up with facts, and make me think. I have been known to be wrong from time to time.
I know that this blog is a bit incoherent, and scattered, but I just felt that I needed to get a few things off my chest, and I have now done so. Hopefully my next post will be a bit more organized.