Tuesday 13 April 2010

Grab A Tiger By The Tail

The pageantry, the beauty, and the sheer magic of Augusta National Golf Club made this year’s Masters most unforgettable; just as they do every year.
And then there’s Tiger…..

He showed up to the most pristine golf course known to mankind, and played very well for someone who hasn’t picked up a golf club in 144 days. We were all expecting a new, better Tiger, if that’s even possible from a golf prospective. We were all anticipating a new, better Tiger as a person. We wanted him to be more cordial to the gallery, to sign autographs, and to lay off the cursing when he hooks a tee shot into the trees. And we got exactly that…….

For the first day and a half.

When, without warning, the old Tiger reared his ugly head. The old Tiger that we know and love; the Tiger that makes up new and interesting compound curse words; words most of us have never heard spoken. Words that sometimes sound as if they are from an alien language. For all of you happily riding on the Tiger band wagon, listen up; Tiger Woods is not a good guy. He never has been, and he never will be. A great golfer? Absolutely. Multiple Green Jackets? Check.
Good, decent human being? Not even on his best of days.

Does anyone remember when Tiger’s scandal first broke? The world was shocked. I mean, really, really shocked that their “savior” Tiger Woods could do such a thing as cheat on his wife with the proverbial skanks that have continued to pop up all over the country? Look, Tiger did not get the Gatorade endorsement because he is a good guy. He doesn’t make millions upon millions of dollars every time that stupid Nike ad runs because he is generous with his time and money. He was awarded these things because he hits the golf ball a helluva long way. Nothing more.

The way Tiger carried himself in the first part of the Masters was quite comical to those of us who loathe him. Everything he did was forced. When he smiled at the gallery, when he tipped his cap in gratitude, and especially when he signed autographs for the “childrings”. All of these seemingly benign actions go against every single fiber of his being. He is not grateful for the people that pay hard-earned money to watch him hammer a golf ball. He feels that from his ivory tower, those who see him play should consider themselves blessed.
I appreciate what Tiger has done for the game of golf; much like Michael Jordan expanded the NBA by leaps and bounds. (No pun intended) But fans of Tiger should not confuse him with Gandhi, The Pope or Allah. He’s more closely related to Al Capone than Jesus.

So, by all means, watch his golf matches, buy his gear, sport his “TW” hats, but do not fool yourselves into thinking that El Tigre gives a giant rat crap about you (his fan) because he doesn’t. Tiger is in this thing for himself and no other reason. If you believe otherwise, you simply have not been paying attention.