Wednesday 26 May 2010

My Wife

My wife is one of the most amazing people I've ever met. She gets me, even though she doesn't always understand me. (I'm complex that way)
She supports me without question, but, when needed, gives me a different view of whatever issue I may be dealing with at the time. I lost my job on May 11th, and my Wife has been so incredibly supportive. This is a tough time for us right now, but she just keeps chugging right along. Inside she's probably a bundle of nerves, but you'd never know to look at her.
When I'm sick.....she's there
When I'm an idiot.....she's there (most of the time!)
When we disagree, it's o.k. because neither of us is so prideful as to have to always "win" a discussion. I have several fiends that I consider dear (Mike, D Burt, Andy, Dr. Dare) but without a doubt, my Wife is my very best friend. She knows me like nobody else ever will. She makes me feel as if I can do anything, and that, my dear readers, is an amazing feeling.

I love you, Tam......