Tuesday 11 May 2010


I wrote a blog some time ago regarding ignorant people. It was well-received and I appreciate the feedback from my readers.
Following that same train of thought, I'd like to address narrow-mindedness. The reason for this is that, while not very common, I believe that a person can be narrow-minded and not be (completely) ignorant. The inverse, sadly cannot be said.
Webster's defines narrow-minded as, "Lacking tolerance or flexibility or breadth of view."
Narrow-mindedness affects all races, creeds, genders, and nationalities. You will usually find that some of the most narrow-minded people are ones that you wouldn't expect; and that very statement is a simple form of narrow-mindedness dear friends. :) Conservatives and republican political affiliates often get stereotyped as being narrow-minded; rightly so sometimes. Those deeply associated with religion, regardless of denomination, are criticized for being narrow-minded.
But what makes the fact that a person is narrow-minded such an issue? Is it that they are so bound to their beliefs or sect or affiliation that they are incapable of seeing a broader view of an issue? Possibly. Is it that whatever position the narrow-minded person holds is the "right" way or the "only" way? Could be. Arrogance often accompanies this narrow frame of thought. Must we, as individuals, always be right? If so, why? Does it really matter that much?
Narrow-minded people, of which I used to be, strike me as pitiful, because they so dreadfully cling to their beliefs that progress in a given issue cannot be made.
As an example, conservative churches have long condemned gay marriage. This is based on the holy scriptures and the beliefs that follow it. But does it really matter? Look, if two chicks love each other and want to get married, have at it! It's not going to affect my world one iota. The religious right would counter, "Gay marriage undermines the platform of traditional marriage, and the family structure." Maybe so, but it can't be any worse than us heterosexuals are doing! NEWSFLASH!!! We're screwing that institution up all by ourselves!
Of course, this is but one of many examples that can be found anywhere in the news or online. I do believe that if we, as a nation, were a bit more open-minded, we could get more accomplished.
And by the way, open-minded does not equate liberalism.....