Saturday 26 June 2010

The Dream Is Over

The magic finally ran out for the U.S. Men's soccer team this afternoon as they feel to Ghana 2-1 in extra time. The were forced, once again, to come back after giving up an early goal only 6 minutes into the match. This concession of early goals will be seen as their ultimate downfall. After staging a heroic, and unlikely, comeback against Algeria to win their group, the U.S. team, I feel, was spent,both physically and emotionally. As the old saying goes, "You can only go to the well so many times before it dries up."
The Team played beautifully in most of the matches, although playing from behind in all but one match will take its toll on the best of teams. I am proud of our National Team and I hope that they are welcomed home, with heads held high, as excellent representatives of all that is good in America.
Well done gents! My days will be much longer withut having you to cheer for, but I'm proud of our national soccer team!