Wednesday 23 June 2010

Unemployment Sucks!

For those of you who have had a job continuously for the past several years; congratulations! Because I'm here to tell you that unemployment sucks! It was kinda cool at first; kinda' like an extended vacation. But then reality sets in and you begin to understand that just because you no longer have gainful employment, the bills do not stop coming! The child support meter is running faster than a New York cabbie. People are on your hard about this, that, and the other thing; "when you gonna pay me?"
Shit....when I get a job and start getting paid, that's exactly the same time frame that you'll start getting paid again.
I have gotten alot done around the house; certainly more than I would have if I had a job. It's bittersweet; I like staying at home and taking care of things, keeping the house clean....but that carp don't pay the damn bills, which never seem to end. I truly believe that we work just so we can pay bills. One of my cars is down right now, and paying for hat damn thing should be a whole lot of fun when the bill comes due. It just seems like there's no way out of this thing. Maybe I should just go win the lottery and say "to hell with all of it!"