Thursday 8 July 2010

I Am Officially A LeBron Hater

I've tweeted about it....
ESPN has reported (ad nauseum) about it....Hell they have an entire SHOW dedicated to it...
Every newspaper and online boob has talked about it....

Where will LeBron James play basketball next year? Say it again to yourself...Doesn't it sound ridiculous? It's paramount to "where will Coach Barbour take his next mid-level dump?" (not that too many people care about it)
The very fact that I can't find anything more interesting than THIS to blog about makes my point for me. It's as if the entire world has stopped on it's axis until this kid signs his name to a contract. I guess that's the REAL reason they call him King. Really? Can we please get this shit over with?!?
In reality, this speaks more to America's hard-on for their athletes than it does to Bron-Bron. Ask any person over the age of 55 and they will regale you with stories of how Mickey Mantel, and Ted Williams used to have to get "real" jobs after the baseball season was over. (Maybe not those two specifically....but you get the point) The salaries that these guys makes is beyond my grasp. And before you start in, I'm not a capitalist-hating tree-hugger. I say get all you can get. People do it every single day in the regular working world; why should athletes be any different. I've left jobs for money, why should Bron-Bron be any different?
No; I'm not a LeBron James hater because he makes a ridiculous amount of jack. I'm a LeBron James hater because he is going along with this show, The Decision on ESPN tonight at 9:00. (As a side note; isn't ESPN owned by Disney? Is THAT seriously the best name for this program that they could come up with? That's funny) Are now going to have athlete after athlete conducting prime time television programs dedicated solely to discussing their newest shoe contract, or Gatorade ad? This is a can of worms that will be opened again, and again for years to come. We already have high school senior football players holding press conferences to divulge which university will be paying....uh, I mean which university they will attend. Yes, we do indeed love our athletes, but at some point the idol worship has got to stop. Let Bron go and make more money than he can shove in a hooker's cavernous coochie....just leave the prime time spots for Barbara and Oprah.