Wednesday 14 July 2010

Nobody Saw Nutin'

So here's what we've got thus far in the debacle that is the Bar Knoxville melee...Nobody saw a damn thing! That's pretty much the long and the short of it. Let's look at what the people who were there are saying so far:
1. The one man who was assaulted, and is able to speak, can only state that there were multiple people hitting and kicking him, but he can't say for certain who those people were.
2. Montori Hughes, of the 6'4", 314-pound flavor, stated that the first man who was assaulted came up behind him and punched him in the face for no apparent reason. Nice. (Hughes' attorney, by the way, is none other than Greg Issacs, the University's apparent football defense specialist)
3. The players that have been disciplined by Coach Dooley, save one, are sacrificial lambs and were of no use to the team to begin with, other than to used as tackling dummies.
First, if some big ape is punching me in the face repeatedly, I think I might get at least one good look at him before visiting la-la land. Second, I would hate to think that there are rednecks in the greater Knoxville area that are stupid enough to mes with anyone standing 6'4" and weighing 314 pounds. Third, why is it that the players that have been suspended or kicked off the team don't matter? I want some blood on this one Coach! I truly believe that the fans of this program are sick and tired of the behavior by these thugs and I for one want them gone! All of them! If they were there, kick them off the team. The season is going to suck anyway....make your stand now Coach Dooley! Show these punks that the University of Tennessee IS NOT Miami North.