Friday 13 August 2010

Decisions, Decisions

Will the Big Orange ever be free of Lane Kiffin and his antics? From this fans point-of-view, it certainly doesn't seem like it. Bryce Brown is set to be interviewed by the NCAA who continues to track the comings and goings of Kiffin. His current employer, U.S.C., has already fired their athletic director, and been hit with severe sanctions for violations that occurred while Kiffin was an assistant under Pete Carroll. Carroll obviously saw the writing on the wall and bolted for the relative safety of the NFL. How quickly did that guy leave town?

But in this particular saga there's another twist; Brown previously asked for, and was summarily refused a transfer to Kansas State, where his brother is currently enrolled. U.T. Head coach Derek Dooley denied the request for reason that, quite frankly, make little sense to me. I guess I'd need some old fashioned lawyering to better understand his reasons. Just know this, that on the outside of the Cumberland Strip in K-Town, his refusal to let Brown transfer looks bad. Worse, it looks petty.

Arthur Brown, Bryce's father has postponed the interview with the NCAA until after he hears back from his son's appeal to overturn the transfer denial. Now that sound like it could be a finely veiled threat? It's as plain as the mole on Cindy Crawford's face! Arthur Brown is using the NCAA to improve the position of his son's appeal to play football at Kansas State! Brilliant! As a Vol fan I don't like this play, but as a father, I would likely do the same thing if I were in his shoes.

Regardless of how this thing plays out, Lane Kiffin is every bit the curse that crazy man Al Davis said he would be. Davis' prophetic ability is at least good enough to get him a carny job at the local fair when it blows through town. He warned us, and we failed to heed the warning, mostly because....well.....Al Davis is a complete nut job. Kiffin has drained our beloved football program of its dignity, its integrity, and its morality (if it ever had any). Let's hope that Coach Dooley can get it back on track.
How good does Phil Fulmer look right now as head coach?