Monday 25 March 2013

Gears Of War Vs Gears Of War (Best Of Gears Of War)

This feature contains potential spoilers for the Gears of War games and series.

Being one of my favourite series and recently having its fourth installment, Gears of War: Judgment, released, I thought I would do a Versus of all the Gears of War games. Going from my least favourite (placed in at number 4) to my all time favourite (number 1). So, let's get to it!

Gears of War: Judgment

I recently reviewed Gears Judgment and came to the conclusion that it was the worst game in the series. And I don't mean that it is just my 'least favourite'; it is actually just an average game generally.

Receiving a rating of simply 6/10 from me, Judgment is far from the continuance of the franchise that the much-loved series deserved. While it offered some good add-ons, like the more accessible and enjoyable multiplayer, there were also some very hard to understand changes that were made. Its biggest flaw was its totally lacklustre campaign that tried to combine different elements of the game (like horde) into one as well as make it faster paced and less tactical. This didn't work well in the least, as you might have guessed (or already known if you read the review). 

The story was also very mediocre, offering little emotional motivation and a fairly shallow cast of characters too.

Judgment is without doubt the worst Gears of War game and is an easy choice for fourth place.

Gears of War 3

Gears of War 3 wasn't perfect, but the changes made to the campaign were more necessary for the sake of the story than what people thought about it. To really make you feel the emotion and game world, to really appreciate how much things had changed over the years, to progress the actual plot, Epic Games had to switch things up and make it fairly different to the older campaigns. It worked, as well. I actually enjoyed it more on my second playthrough and there are some truly incredible, epic moments that stick with me today. In fact, despite not being my favourite GoW, it certainly has the most amount of these moments than the other games.

Some of my favourite parts are when you are defending Anvil's Gate - that entire section is a blast. 
The Old Town was eerie and had that awesome inclusion of zombie things as well as the infamous finale. 
Earlier on when you are going through the desert; that section of the story is also incredibly awesome. 

Sure, it took some getting used to, but Gears 3's varying environments and far more emotionally driven story were all necessary changes that did the game a lot of good.

It might not be the best GoW game, but it sure as hell is a brilliant one. When I reviewed it on an old website I used to own and run (which is no defunct) I gave the game a 9.1/10 score. 

Gears of War

Ah, the game that changed it all. Gears of War didn't create cover based shooters, as many touchy, hardcore, retro gamers will let you know within seconds of you suggesting that the series had something to do with that genre of video games success; however it did set the path straight and the ball rolling in the right direction. Cover based shooters had never been as easy to use or accessible until Gears came along with its near perfect cover system. 

Admittedly games like Tomb Raider are now proving we don't even need to use buttons to use cover anymore and it can be fantastically implemented in a more open and flexible way.

Anyway, I digress. Back to Gears of War.

Obviously you know which game is going to be first, and it wasn't an easy choice. Gears of War 1 has a certain magic about it. Something that the most recent game, Judgment, lost. As with GoW2 and 3; Gears 1 has an absorbing, brilliantly laid out, campaign. It is dark, brutal and unforgiving and totally immersive. Wandering through streets while Krill zoom around in great hordes above your head is something that I will never forget. Just like when you first encounter the Lambent Wretches at the Imulsion Facility. that too was an awesome, suspenseful part of the game. 

Gears offered a shit ton of things that you couldn't get anywhere else. The cover system, the shooting, the story and the setting; everything about it was immaculately brought forward and organised. It remains a modern classic; one of the greats of this generation. It is 'technically' not the best game, but the memories I have of playing it rocket it into second place with ease.

When I reviewed this game on my old website, it was given a score of 9.5/10. A truly incredible game.

Gears of War 2

Gears of War 2 takes the crown as the best Gears game of all time (so far). It really is one of the best games I have played this gen.

The thing that makes GoW2 better than the first game, is that the level design is improved, the environments are better, the game has even more epic moments and, most of all, the gameplay itself was tightened up. All those things I got annoyed about in the first title, like getting stuck into cover here and there, or getting rushed constantly by enemies and dying instantly; they were gone. 
This really felt like the ultimate Gears experience and still does to this day.

The game was awesome from the start. When riding along on one of the Derrick trucks there is an awesome moment of awe when you look out at the view as you are bumbling along. And then the locust start coming. And it just gets better and better.

A great thing about the game is actually Ben Carmine, who is my favourite character not only in this title but also the entire series. He is funny, interesting and a great person to have in the story. That said, he was killed off way to quickly and wasn't elaborated on enough. 

There is an awesome mix of cinematic moments, like cutting yourself out of a worm from the inside with chainsaws and even riding on a Brumak, and brilliantly worked combat situations and battles. It is a perfect combo that really works well. On the one hand you have the far from serious, over the top, extreme violence and craziness, and then you have the serious gunfights and emotional story moments.

The entire game is a blast from start to finish and is a true representation of not only how a sequel CAN better the original, but also shows that full-scale change isn't necessary (*cough*Judgment*cough*) to continue a series.

Gears of War 2 is the best Gears game so far, and is one of the most awesome games of this gen. When I reviewed it on my old website, it was given a score of 9.7/10.

The Markza Is Badass

Having played Overrun and Survival mode as well as plenty of multiplayer on Gears Of War: Judgment, I have come to the realisation that the Markza is an incredibly powerful weapon. 

The Markza is a semi automatic rifle equipped with a scope that can old up to 120 rounds of ammo. The thing that makes it so powerful is the fact that it can be used in anyway to achieve quick kills. Up close the gun is powerful and will kill in a few shots, and the scope also allows you to use it over long distances. 

Unlike with weapons like the Longshot, the Markza has a magazine of more than 1 bullet and can be fired fairly quickly, especially if you have a fast trigger finger. 

Up close the weapons can blow peoples heads off with only a few shots. In fact, you don't even have to aim down the sights. Firing from the hip is a fantastic, accurate way of killing enemies,

From a distance the Markza doesn't lose damage either. It may take 3 bullets to half a mag to kill someone, however, as I said, it has a good fire rate so it isn't hard to do this.

The fantastic thing about this weapon, aside from its high damage, is the fact it has 3 ways to aim with it. You can hip-fire, aim down the scope or simple aim over the shoulder. All are great, efficient ways to kill enemies.

Overall the Markza is an awesome weapon. I highly recommend you try it out and use it. It is an extremely powerful gun.

Sunday 24 March 2013

I Have Nothing Interesting To Say (At The Moment)....

You may have noticed there have not been as many blogs or random articles published within the last week and that is mainly because I have been busy playing Tomb Raider and (now) Gears of War: Judgment. Soon I will be playing Bioshock Infinite too. my life has been limited to my thoughts, my gaming and a little bit of social interaction so I have had, really, nothing interesting to say except about what I am playing.

I know this won't have bothered many people because my gaming articles are the most popular things on my blog, however it has bothered me so I wanted to just let people know I haven't gone dead in this area, I am still here, but my focus is primarily gaming at the moment. Throughout April, when less games are released, my variety of articles will go up again. 

A quick note on these podcasts too:
I know it has been a while and I said I would be doing them in February, however due to equipment costs and irritating budget issues I have had to delay it. I apologise. BUT, I do know it should be within the next month. I emphasise should because I can't make any promises, but it should be.

Oh, also, I forgot FUT Player Of The Week on Friday. I am sorry. In truth, due to me not really playing FIFA 13 I am not feeling the vibe with those articles. I am going to postpone the series until I feel I want to start writing it again. Sorry, but I really don't want to keep at something I'm not feeling so...

As for App Of The Week, it seemed to kick off well (or at least that is what my view figures told me) so that is gonna be carrying on as normal every Wednesday. 

I want to write another A Question Of... this week so stay tuned for that!

Anyways; keep gaming, keep watching TV, keep going out, keep getting drunk, keep doing that shit and, most of all, keep chilled. Peace.

Review - Gears of War: Judgment (Xbox 360)

Reviews now receive scores. I will be going back and scoring all previously reviewed games (except the Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 review) so check back with those game reviews on here over the next week to see what scores I gave them!

Having not been massively excited for Gears of War: Judgment my expectations were as simple as this: so long as it is a good game that lives up to the Gears name, I'm happy.

Unfortunately Judgment doesn't live up to the franchises standards and is certainly the weakest game so far.

Judgment goes back in time to a full 15 years before the original Gears game. It is also set only 14 days after emergence day. I was excited about this as I thought it would be a chance to see the war how it was when it first started and compare it to the games set in the future. This, however, isn't the case. Let me get this out the way before I properly get into reviewing the rest of the game: Judgment doesn't do anything to make you feel like you are playing 15 years before GoW1 or 14 days after emergence day. There is really nothing here that made me feel like I was playing the beginning of an epic war. It just felt like any old Gears game to be honest. This sucks massively as it reduced immersion and didn't make me feel anywhere near as involved in the game as I should, or could, have been.

The story itself is mostly done in flashback and based around Kilo squad; lead by Lieutenant Baird from the previous games and also including three other squad members who go by the names of: Pudak, who is a stereotypical 'I'm a not a good guy but I have a good heart so I basically am a good guy' Russian character, Augustus Cole who is also from the original games and Sofia Hendrik, who feels like a fairly pointless and irrelevant character who wasn't really built on.

The story starts with Kilo squad being lead into a somewhat makeshift courtroom as they are charged with war crimes (no not abusing their power to kill innocent people or anything; just disobeying orders) and left to tell the one-man Judge and Jury Col. Loomis their side of the story. This didn't quite make sense to me as Col. Loomis seemed adamant they were guilty and given whatever he said went, he could have just ended it without listening to them. It seemed pretty weird that he was actually willing to take their opinions on board even though he looked like he had made his mind up on what the verdict would be beforehand.

As each member of Kilo squad takes turns to explain what happened, the game goes into flashback and you play as whoever is giving their report at that time. So you get to have a go at playing as each member of the squad.

This would be OK, if the characters weren't so average. While the story did make me feel more for Baird and  Cole, it was only because I had played with those two in the three previous games that I actually cared about them. However Pudak was basically a stereotypical Russian who, although likeable, felt way too, well, stereotypical.
As for Sofia Hendrik, she was actually irritating. The women in GoW3 were pretty cool, however she is just annoying more than anything. What's more, none of these characters have anything even remotely unique about them in terms of gameplay, so there is no difference between playing as Baird then switching to Sofia Hendrik which is a little dull.

The actual story is also lacklustre. All previous games in the series had done a fantastic of making you feel and understand the situation the characters and world was in. As I said before; Judgment doesn't do this. You never feel very involved with the events that happen and the game barely acknowledges that shit didn't get real until 14 days ago. It's baffling.

The entire plot revolves around killing this one bad guy and isn't very interesting at all. It's a bit sleep worthy actually. The bad guy himself, Karn, is completely rubbish too. He is barely in it and felt very half-hearted.

Unfortunately, and this is where the killer blow comes in; the rest of the campaign is a bit sucky too - especially where the level design and structure is concerned.

The level design is awful. Instead of going in a straight line and simply encountering some enemies on the way to the objective, maybe once in a while having a big battle, the campaign is like horde, the arcade mode from Gears 3 and the normal single player all combined into one. It is a horrible, clashing, mess.

There are very few, simple, 'enemy encounters'. Instead, every time you come into contact with the bad guys it is like a big battle arena. There is practically never just a few locust to kill and then you move on. Instead there is a big, expansive area and loads of locust. Pretty much EVERY time there is a fight scene. The fighting segments are not clean and smooth; they are long, drawn out, way overused, full-scale battles.

When you are not participating in one of the 'gladiator battle arena' styled shootouts, the game seems to turn into a kind of horde mode thing.  You'll reach a certain point and then you will need to protect something or hold a place from the enemy. You will be given tons of ammo, sentries and maybe even barriers (just like you get in Horde 2.0) and then told when the wave of locust is incoming. After the first wave there might be 1 or maybe even 2 more. This doesn't happen once of twice either; it happens a lot. And I mean a lot.

Each of these stages feels like they've integrated horde mode into the campaign. They feel very deliberate and not at all situational. For instance: in previous games, if you had to protect Jack while he opened a door, you would do that for a few minutes and then continue. It wouldn't be a big deal or anything. Here, every battle and horde-like-section feels deliberately laid out and made into an overblown deal that lasts for ages. Like, ages. Sometimes even 10 minutes.

The level design is just appalling. It really feels like they tried to make everything fit into one and it doesn't even remotely work. If horde had a campaign, this would be it. Not the other way around. It isn't a smooth ride; it is big battle after big battle, then a big defensive 'protect this thing or that thing for so many waves' part. There is even a timer on screen telling you when the next wave is coming. And this is supposed to be a serious campaign?

There are also some things called 'Declassified' missions included throughout the game. These missions are optional and add a twist to that part of the chapter. You may activate one of these and then get reduced visibility or no regenerating health; shotguns or enemy weapons only etc. These then help to increase you star rating at the end of the level. By not going down and by performing executions and killing more enemies and completing the Declassified mission, your star rating will be higher. The highest you can get is 3 stars out of 3.

These add-ons mostly work well, however I didn't quite understand why a lot of them weren't just added in as standard. Why am I having to choose whether or not to challenge myself more with reduced visibility? Shouldn't this just be included in this chapter, or whatever, by default? Some of them wouldn't work well being inbuilt, like using only particular weapons, however I didn't even feel these added anything into the game. They are optional so you do not have to complete the game with all of them activated, however if you want to get certain achievements then it is best if you just complete them when you get the chance. I did them all on my first play-through and they were easy enough, rarely offering much of a challenge. That was on Hardcore by the way, so you get what I mean. If anything they just break up the action.

Many reviews have noted that the gameplay is faster paced and this is definitely true. I felt like it was far less tactical than before, which also disappointed me. Why were enemies constantly rushing me? Why was I not having to use cover anymore and just simply jump around and doge bullets instead? The gameplay felt more like a step backwards than forwards and while the AI wasn't great (they go down quite a lot and don't kill much. This too is a step backwards over GoW3) they did a good job of almost always reviving me, so going down during gameplay is not a big deal at all. I remember when, even in Gears 3, going down would often lead to instant death. I don't quite get why these changes were made as they add little to the overall enjoyment and just mess up what was a perfect style into something that feels more arcady.

The controls are more fluid now, though; so no more feeling bogged down or getting caught up. It is very easy to move around which is nice.

Another change I didn't quite get was the actual button layout. You can now only carry two weapons as opposed to before when you could carry two main guns and a pistol. You no longer navigate the weapons selection with the D-pad, either. Now you use Y to switch weapons and the D-pad to highlight objectives and teammates and view points of interest.
Using Y to switch guns is certainly smoother, quicker and easier, however it is only so useful because the gameplay is so fast and furious now. If it hadn't been changed so much, keeping the loadout selection with the D-pad would still work.

The campaign will likely take you around 6-10 hours to complete, depending on the difficulty. I played on hardcore first time around and it took me about 8 hours.

In terms of actual difficulty, Judgment is not as hard as people are making out. I'm baffled as to why critics are claiming it is the hardest Gears game yet. Did they not play GoW1? Either way, Judgment is probably only a little bit more challenging than GoW3 and never felt very punishing. In fact, the boss fight is incredibly easy, especially compared to Gears 3's incredibly harsh and unfair final battle.

There is also a separate campaign segment called 'Aftermath'. This revisits Gears of War 3 and tells a short story about a mission that Baird and his squad embarked on. I have little to add here as it was pretty fun, although it felt a little dry.

This review is far from over (I still have the multiplayer to comment on) however the campaign has basically been wrapped up here. In truth it is pretty enjoyable however the changes made are far from for the better. Judgment feels like a massive step backwards in a lot of ways. The level design is a weird, clashing, mess that doesn't play out that well, the story is mediocre as are the characters, the gameplay is still good but not tactical enough, the Declassified missions are OK add-ons but somewhat bland and often feel a bit pointless too.

Multiplayer is definitely Judgment's strongest area. That said, it is more 60% good, 40% bad. Unfortunately this game just can't get anything completely right.

The multiplayer's best new addition is definitely the brand new mode 'Overrun'. It is like a mixture of Horde and Beast mode (both of which are not in this game) and pits 5 Cog players against 5 other players playing as locust. It is up to the locust to destroy the objective and the Cog to protect it. If the locust fail to complete the objective in the set time they lose the game. If they do, then it goes onto the next round. After a maximum of 3 rounds the players swap sides. It is an absolute blast to play and admittedly I am totally addicted to it right now.

The new Survival mode is basically a replacement for Horde 2.0. However this is bad; very, very bad. Survival is basically like Overrun but with Bots as the Locust. That is pretty much it. It lacks the depth and strategy of the original horde mode and I honestly don't know why they ruined this, one of the most popular parts of the game.

The other multiplayer modes are minimal in variety. Team Death Match, Domination and Free-For-All. While the selection is shallow I enjoyed all of them a lot. That said, I honestly don't know why the other modes are gone.

One of the biggest cons in this area of the game is the lack of customisation. There are a lot of weapons skins, sure, but where are all the characters? You can't even unlock classic people like Marcus Fenix or any of the Carmine brothers or anyone from GoW3 really. It is incredibly shallow. I worked my ass off in Gears 3 just to reach level 34(?) so I could unlock my favourite guy: Benjamin Carmine. None of that here.

Overall the multiplayer is mostly hit, but also fairly miss too. A lack of a horde mode and minimal characters and game modes make it feel fairly shallow. However Overrun is awesome and the more fluid gameplay worked well online, making it generally more enjoyable to actually play.

Gears of War: Judgment isn't a terrible game. If it was a standalone title and was not part of the Gears series it would actually be good, but for a GoW game it is very average. Some things have been removed that make no sense and changes have been made that seem pointless. Even some new things are pretty stupid too.

Unfortunately, my Judgment on Judgment is a harsh one. Play it with a pinch of salt.

Bill Gates to grant $1 million for 'Next Gen Condom' - Indian Express

Indian Express Bill Gates to grant $1 million for 'Next Gen Condom' Indian Express Got an idea how to come up with the 'next generation condom'?

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Bill Gates to grant $1 million for 'Next Gen Condom' - Indian

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Wichita State shocks No. 1 seed Gonzaga - Kansas City Star

NPR Wichita State shocks No. 1 seed Gonzaga Kansas City Star College Mens Basketball - Wire · Wichita State shocks No. 1 seed Gonzaga

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Wichita State shocks No. 1 seed Gonzaga - Kansas City

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Heavy snow hits northwest Kansas; Salina gets little accumulation -

San Francisco Chronicle Heavy snow hits northwest Kansas; Salina gets little accumulation Parts of northwest Kansas were plummeled with more than 14 inches of snow Saturday, but Salina managed to dodge a heavy snow bullet.

See the article here:

Heavy snow hits northwest Kansas; Salina gets little accumulation -

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Ex-President Musharraf returns to Pakistan for elections

KARACHI (Reuters) - Pakistan's former President, Pervez Musharraf, returned home on Sunday after nearly four years of self-imposed exile to contest elections despite the possibility of arrest and a threat from the Taliban to kill him. Musharraf hopes to regain influence so that his party can win seats in the general election scheduled for May 11, when he will face fierce competition, including from the man he ousted in a military takeover. The former army general, who seized power in a 1999 coup, resigned in 2008 when his allies lost a vote and a new government threatened him with impeachment.

Originally posted here:

Ex-President Musharraf returns to Pakistan for

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Musharraf arrives back in Pakistan despite threats - BBC News

BBC News Musharraf arrives back in Pakistan despite threats BBC News Former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has arrived back in Pakistan, ending four years of self-imposed exile and defying death threats. A protection detail of heavily armed commandos met him after his plane from Dubai touched down in Karachi airport

See the original article here:

Musharraf arrives back in Pakistan despite threats - BBC

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Johnny Manziel tweets support to Marshall Henderson

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The Marshall Henderson show continued on Saturday at the Sprint Center, this time centered on what he Tweeted at what he thought was a Kentucky player. Shortly after Ole Miss' 57-46 win againstAnd Ole Miss guard Marshall Henderson is still in the spotlight after helping the Rebels pull a bracket-busting 57-46 upset of West Region No. 5 Wisconsin at Sprint Center in Kansas City on Friday. The controversial leading scorer of the SoutheasternYou may not know it yet, but Marshall Henderson of Ole Miss is the most entertaining player in college basketball. Here's everything you need to know about him.Marshall Henderson had an exceedingly Marshall Henderson day yesterday. As you probably know by now, he started off Mississippi's upset win over Wisconsin one of 13, a ratio that would shatter the confidence of even theNCAA tournament darling Marshall

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Johnny Manziel tweets support to Marshall Henderson

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The Marshall Henderson show continued on Saturday at the Sprint Center, this time centered on what he Tweeted at what he thought was a Kentucky player. Shortly after Ole Miss' 57-46 win againstAnd Ole Miss guard Marshall Henderson is still in the spotlight after helping the Rebels pull a bracket-busting 57-46 upset of West Region No. 5 Wisconsin at Sprint Center in Kansas City on Friday. The controversial leading scorer of the SoutheasternYou may not know it yet, but Marshall Henderson of Ole Miss is the most entertaining player in college basketball. Here's everything you need to know about him.Marshall Henderson had an exceedingly Marshall Henderson day yesterday. As you probably know by now, he started off Mississippi's upset win over Wisconsin one of 13, a ratio that would shatter the confidence of even theNCAA tournament darling Marshall

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Sunday's March Madness slate: NCAA tournament TV schedule, times

SB Nation has got all the help you need in keeping up to date with each new upset in March Madness as the NCAA Tournament moves to the third round on Saturday.Odds of a perfect NCAA March Madness bracket. March 22, 2013 to Statistics by Nathan Yau. Math professor Jeff Bergen explains the odds of picking a perfect bracket. The first probability is based on a 50/50 split of correct picks, which is like(Photo : Reuters) Mitch McGary (left) and Tim Hardaway Jr. (right) celebrating Michigan's win over VCU. The inconsistent fourth-seeded Michigan Wolverines put their prodigious talents on display Saturday afternoon in a 78-53 dismantling of the fifthSearching for the NCAA March Madness bracket? Search for or on Google and you'll see a giant box above the organic results dedicated to the latest scores and schedule – all leading to2013 printable NCAA bracket: March Madness moves

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Sunday's March Madness slate: NCAA tournament TV schedule, times

SB Nation has got all the help you need in keeping up to date with each new upset in March Madness as the NCAA Tournament moves to the third round on Saturday.Odds of a perfect NCAA March Madness bracket. March 22, 2013 to Statistics by Nathan Yau. Math professor Jeff Bergen explains the odds of picking a perfect bracket. The first probability is based on a 50/50 split of correct picks, which is like(Photo : Reuters) Mitch McGary (left) and Tim Hardaway Jr. (right) celebrating Michigan's win over VCU. The inconsistent fourth-seeded Michigan Wolverines put their prodigious talents on display Saturday afternoon in a 78-53 dismantling of the fifthSearching for the NCAA March Madness bracket? Search for or on Google and you'll see a giant box above the organic results dedicated to the latest scores and schedule – all leading to2013 printable NCAA bracket: March Madness moves

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Ashley Greene's Condo Will Be Completely Gutted Following Blaze

Following Massive Blaze. Exclusive. 0322-ashley-greene-fire-inside-tmz Ashley Greene's condo will have to be completely gutted, sources tell TMZ, and four other units in her building will need work done following yesterday's tragic fire. As TMZ firstAshley Greene's West Hollywood condo caught fire on Friday, her rep confirms to PEOPLE exclusively. "The cause is undetermined," said the actress's spokesperson. No further details were provided, but according to TMZ, who first posted news of the blaze3:30 PM PT -- TMZ has learned, a candle was responsible for starting the fire.12:16 PM PT -- A firefighter tells us Ashley, her boyfriend and her…We now know what caused the fire at Ashley Greene's condo that killed her beloved dog -- an unattended candle TMZ has learned.Law enforcement sources…Following Massive Blaze. Exclusive.

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Ashley Greene's Condo Will Be Completely Gutted Following Blaze

Following Massive Blaze. Exclusive. 0322-ashley-greene-fire-inside-tmz Ashley Greene's condo will have to be completely gutted, sources tell TMZ, and four other units in her building will need work done following yesterday's tragic fire. As TMZ firstAshley Greene's West Hollywood condo caught fire on Friday, her rep confirms to PEOPLE exclusively. "The cause is undetermined," said the actress's spokesperson. No further details were provided, but according to TMZ, who first posted news of the blaze3:30 PM PT -- TMZ has learned, a candle was responsible for starting the fire.12:16 PM PT -- A firefighter tells us Ashley, her boyfriend and her…We now know what caused the fire at Ashley Greene's condo that killed her beloved dog -- an unattended candle TMZ has learned.Law enforcement sources…Following Massive Blaze. Exclusive.

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Miley Cyrus explains 'twerk' dance video, doesn't bring up Liam Hemsworth ...

A video showing Miley Cyrus partaking in a new dance craze known as "twerking" has gone viral online. The star is in what she calls a "unicorn suit" as she dances solo to a track by rapper J Dash called 'Wop'. Are we looking at the next 'Harlem ShakeMiley Cyrus “twerked” it out, Selena Gomez nearly kidnapped a fan, and Hilary Duff's baby boy turned one. Plus: Rihanna got stuck in traffic, Anna Kendrick got weird, Demi Lovato got wet, and Mariah Carey got home. It's all inIf anyone was going to change their Twitter bio to "True life: I can't stop twerking," it would probably be Miley Cyrus. Yesterday, the former Disney star shocked fans, friends, and hip-hop lovers by releasing a video of herself in a unicorn costumeA video showing Miley Cyrus partaking in a new dance craze known as "twerking" has gone viral

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Miley Cyrus explains 'twerk' dance video, doesn't bring up Liam Hemsworth ...

A video showing Miley Cyrus partaking in a new dance craze known as "twerking" has gone viral online. The star is in what she calls a "unicorn suit" as she dances solo to a track by rapper J Dash called 'Wop'. Are we looking at the next 'Harlem ShakeMiley Cyrus “twerked” it out, Selena Gomez nearly kidnapped a fan, and Hilary Duff's baby boy turned one. Plus: Rihanna got stuck in traffic, Anna Kendrick got weird, Demi Lovato got wet, and Mariah Carey got home. It's all inIf anyone was going to change their Twitter bio to "True life: I can't stop twerking," it would probably be Miley Cyrus. Yesterday, the former Disney star shocked fans, friends, and hip-hop lovers by releasing a video of herself in a unicorn costumeA video showing Miley Cyrus partaking in a new dance craze known as "twerking" has gone viral

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Saturday 23 March 2013

Powerball: Winning ticket sold in $338M jackpot

No one has won the Powerball jackpot since February so there is a roll over jackpot of $320 million up for grabs Saturday night. Meanwhile a winning ticket for last weekend's draw worth $1 million that was sold at the Thunderhead Bowl and Grill inWith the NCAA tournament in full swing, people have gone mad about March Madness watching their teams and brackets closely. But there's also a $320 million Powerball jackpot that has people testing their luck.Your article has been sent. ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — The winning numbers in Saturday evening's drawing of the ''Powerball'' game were: 17-29-31-52-53, Powerball: 31. (seventeen, twenty-nine, thirty-one, fifty-two, fifty-three; Powerball: thirty-one). ___No one has won the Powerball jackpot since February so there is a roll over jackpot of $320 million up for grabs Saturday night. Meanwhile a winning ticket

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Powerball: Winning ticket sold in $338M jackpot

No one has won the Powerball jackpot since February so there is a roll over jackpot of $320 million up for grabs Saturday night. Meanwhile a winning ticket for last weekend's draw worth $1 million that was sold at the Thunderhead Bowl and Grill inWith the NCAA tournament in full swing, people have gone mad about March Madness watching their teams and brackets closely. But there's also a $320 million Powerball jackpot that has people testing their luck.Your article has been sent. ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — The winning numbers in Saturday evening's drawing of the ''Powerball'' game were: 17-29-31-52-53, Powerball: 31. (seventeen, twenty-nine, thirty-one, fifty-two, fifty-three; Powerball: thirty-one). ___No one has won the Powerball jackpot since February so there is a roll over jackpot of $320 million up for grabs Saturday night. Meanwhile a winning ticket

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Social housing residency test introduced by David Cameron - BBC News

BBC News Social housing residency test introduced by David Cameron BBC News Immigrant families will be kept off council house waiting lists for at least two years, under plans expected to be announced by the prime minister.

Originally posted here:

Social housing residency test introduced by David Cameron - BBC

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Cyprus bailout talks go down to the wire - The Australian

National Post Cyprus bailout talks go down to the wire The Australian Cyprus agrees to a tax on bank deposits. Politicians in Cyprus have reportedly agreed on a new one-off levy on savers to secure a European bailout. CYPRUS still had no final agreement today on the terms of a bailout deal to save its eurozone economy from ..

Original post:

Cyprus bailout talks go down to the wire - The

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Frugal Friday: How to save money on those pricey pets

This week on Frugal Friday, we’re focusing on the furry members of the family: our pets.

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Frugal Friday: How to save money on those pricey

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Tilda Swinton performs art of sleeping in NYC

NEW YORK (AP) — Actress Tilda Swinton is performing the art of sleeping at New York City's Museum of Modern Art.

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Tilda Swinton performs art of sleeping in

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Al Qaeda-linked warlord Abou Zeid killed in combat with French troops - CTV News

CTV News Al Qaeda-linked warlord Abou Zeid killed in combat with French troops CTV News PARIS -- The death of a top al Qaeda-linked warlord in combat with French-led troops represents a victory in the battle against jihadists who had a stranglehold on northern Mali.

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Al Qaeda-linked warlord Abou Zeid killed in combat with French troops - CTV

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Joe Weider dies at 93; bodybuilding pioneer and publisher - Los Angeles Times

TIME Joe Weider dies at 93; bodybuilding pioneer and publisher Los Angeles Times Joe Weider, a Los Angeles-based bodybuilding pioneer who created a multimillion-dollar fitness publishing empire and mentored a young Arnold Schwarzenegger from the time the future actor and California governor was a struggling unknown, died ...

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Joe Weider dies at 93; bodybuilding pioneer and publisher - Los Angeles

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Wichita St.'s 3-Pointers Boot No. 1 Gonzaga 76-70 - ABC News

ABC News Wichita St.'s 3-Pointers Boot No. 1 Gonzaga 76-70 ABC News The No. 1 got taken down by a bunch of 3s

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Wichita St.'s 3-Pointers Boot No. 1 Gonzaga 76-70 - ABC

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Marines ID Gunman, 2 Victims in Va. Base Shooting - ABC News

TIME Marines ID Gunman, 2 Victims in Va. Base Shooting ABC News A Marine who shot two of his colleagues to death and then killed himself was a tactics instructor at a school that tests Marines who want to become officers, military officials said Saturday.

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Marines ID Gunman, 2 Victims in Va. Base Shooting - ABC

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Powerball jackpot tantalizes at $320M

Did your lucky numbers come up? The $330 Million Powerball drawing was held tonight. The winning numbers are 17, 29, 31, 52, and 53. The Powerball was 31.With the NCAA tournament in full swing, people have gone mad about March Madness watching their teams and brackets closely. But there's also a $320 million Powerball jackpot that has people testing their luck.DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — People across the country are hoping to pick the six winning Powerball numbers drawn Saturday night — and the $320 million jackpot that comes with them. The numbers are: 17, 29, 31, 52, 53 and Powerball 31. No ticket matchedmega_millions.jpg No one matched the Mega Millions numbers on March 22; tonight's Powerball jackpot is $320 million (March 23). No one matched the Mega Millions numbers on March 22, increasing the next jackpot to $26 million. In the meantimeYour article has been sent.

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Powerball jackpot tantalizes at $320M

Did your lucky numbers come up? The $330 Million Powerball drawing was held tonight. The winning numbers are 17, 29, 31, 52, and 53. The Powerball was 31.With the NCAA tournament in full swing, people have gone mad about March Madness watching their teams and brackets closely. But there's also a $320 million Powerball jackpot that has people testing their luck.DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — People across the country are hoping to pick the six winning Powerball numbers drawn Saturday night — and the $320 million jackpot that comes with them. The numbers are: 17, 29, 31, 52, 53 and Powerball 31. No ticket matchedmega_millions.jpg No one matched the Mega Millions numbers on March 22; tonight's Powerball jackpot is $320 million (March 23). No one matched the Mega Millions numbers on March 22, increasing the next jackpot to $26 million. In the meantimeYour article has been sent.

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Ten Things You Might Not Know About Florida Gulf Coast University

For the first time in program history Friday night, the Syracuse Orange became a Cinderella and upset the No. 2-seeded Georgetown Hoyas in the second round of the NCAA Tournament. Don't understand? Well, lets reliveFlorida Gulf Coast, a university based in Fort Myers that opened in 1997 and completed its transition to Division I only two years ago, ensured that its first trip to the N.C.A.A. tournament was a memorable one. The Eagles did not simply defeat the Hoyas.For those who don't know FCGU, and that was probably plenty of people as of Friday afternoon, Florida Gulf Coast is a state university in Fort Myers with an enrollment of about 12,000 students. This is FGCU's first tournament and Georgetown's 29thPHILADELPHIA – Eleven years ago, the Florida Gulf Coast University athletic department consisted of trailers in a swamp. The school hired a basketball coach,

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Ten Things You Might Not Know About Florida Gulf Coast University

For the first time in program history Friday night, the Syracuse Orange became a Cinderella and upset the No. 2-seeded Georgetown Hoyas in the second round of the NCAA Tournament. Don't understand? Well, lets reliveFlorida Gulf Coast, a university based in Fort Myers that opened in 1997 and completed its transition to Division I only two years ago, ensured that its first trip to the N.C.A.A. tournament was a memorable one. The Eagles did not simply defeat the Hoyas.For those who don't know FCGU, and that was probably plenty of people as of Friday afternoon, Florida Gulf Coast is a state university in Fort Myers with an enrollment of about 12,000 students. This is FGCU's first tournament and Georgetown's 29thPHILADELPHIA – Eleven years ago, the Florida Gulf Coast University athletic department consisted of trailers in a swamp. The school hired a basketball coach,

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Amanda Bynes' Family Concerned About Her Well-Being (REPORT)

Amanda Bynes' wild behavior continues! On Mar. 21, she shamelessly sent out a truly vulgar tweet to the Canadian rapper. Read on to see what she said! Amanda Bynes does crazier things each day. Yesterday, Mar. 21, sheAmanda Bynes' family members are growing increasingly concerned about the former actress' erratic behavior and are trying to figure out what they can do to help her. Relatives are trying to convince her to to return home to Los Angeles where they couldA new report claims that Amanda Bynes' family is begging her to move back to Los Angeles so that they can keep an eye on her.She's gone undercover to throw people off her trail before (You all remember a little film called She's the Man, right?) so here's hoping something similar is going on now. Amanda Bynes – who clearly hasn't exactly had the greatest couple of monthsRegardless of

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Amanda Bynes' Family Concerned About Her Well-Being (REPORT)

Amanda Bynes' wild behavior continues! On Mar. 21, she shamelessly sent out a truly vulgar tweet to the Canadian rapper. Read on to see what she said! Amanda Bynes does crazier things each day. Yesterday, Mar. 21, sheAmanda Bynes' family members are growing increasingly concerned about the former actress' erratic behavior and are trying to figure out what they can do to help her. Relatives are trying to convince her to to return home to Los Angeles where they couldA new report claims that Amanda Bynes' family is begging her to move back to Los Angeles so that they can keep an eye on her.She's gone undercover to throw people off her trail before (You all remember a little film called She's the Man, right?) so here's hoping something similar is going on now. Amanda Bynes – who clearly hasn't exactly had the greatest couple of monthsRegardless of

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Kristen Stewart, One Direction win twice at Kids Choice Awards

Actress Kristen Stewart arrives at the 2013 Kids Choice Awards in Los Angeles LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Green slime spewed furiously at the Kids Choice Awards on Saturday, where "Twilight Saga" star Kristen Stewart and British boy band One Direction won two awards apiece. Stewart, 22, escaped the slime but plunged her hands into the green goo, saying she "felt like I have finally found my kindergartner self," as she accepted trophies for movie actress and favorite female butt kicker. ...

via Music News Headlines - Yahoo! News

Ashley Greene's Condo Will Be Completely Gutted Following Blaze

3:30 PM PT -- TMZ has learned, a candle was responsible for starting the fire.12:16 PM PT -- A firefighter tells us Ashley, her boyfriend and her…Ashley Greene's West Hollywood apartment caught fire Friday and one of her two dogs died in the blaze, according to reports. "The Twilight Saga" actress, her boyfriend and her brother were in the unit asleep when the flames broke out, a firefighterFollowing Massive Blaze. Exclusive. 0322-ashley-greene-fire-inside-tmz Ashley Greene's condo will have to be completely gutted, sources tell TMZ, and four other units in her building will need work done following yesterday's tragic fire. As TMZ first3:30 PM PT -- TMZ has learned, a candle was responsible for starting the fire.12:16 PM PT -- A firefighter tells us Ashley, her boyfriend and her…Ashley Greene's apartment fire started by candle. Ashley Greene's

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Ashley Greene's Condo Will Be Completely Gutted Following Blaze

3:30 PM PT -- TMZ has learned, a candle was responsible for starting the fire.12:16 PM PT -- A firefighter tells us Ashley, her boyfriend and her…Ashley Greene's West Hollywood apartment caught fire Friday and one of her two dogs died in the blaze, according to reports. "The Twilight Saga" actress, her boyfriend and her brother were in the unit asleep when the flames broke out, a firefighterFollowing Massive Blaze. Exclusive. 0322-ashley-greene-fire-inside-tmz Ashley Greene's condo will have to be completely gutted, sources tell TMZ, and four other units in her building will need work done following yesterday's tragic fire. As TMZ first3:30 PM PT -- TMZ has learned, a candle was responsible for starting the fire.12:16 PM PT -- A firefighter tells us Ashley, her boyfriend and her…Ashley Greene's apartment fire started by candle. Ashley Greene's

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March Madness: Good For Fans, Bad For Business

To follow all the madness of March (and keep track of precisely how busted your bracket has become), check out HuffPost Sports' NCAA Tournament infographic. Not only will it be updated as the results roll in but you can click each of the pairings below2013 March Madness bracket, Arizona vs. Harvard: Wildcats destroy Crimson, 74-51. By Jon Benne on Mar 23 2013, 8:22p  @LordBenne +. Stay connected with SB Nation Follow @sbnation. Streeter Lecka. Arizona blew away Harvard and will be facingMarch Madness 2013: Gary Harris, Adreian Payne impress in win over Memphis. By Satchel Price on Mar 23 2013, 5:40p  @SatchelPrice +. Stay connected with SB Nation Follow @sbnation. Jonathan Daniel. Rebounding from shaky performances againstOdds of a perfect NCAA March Madness bracket. March 22, 2013 to Statistics by Nathan Yau. Math professor Jeff Bergen explains the odds of picking a perfect

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March Madness: Good For Fans, Bad For Business

To follow all the madness of March (and keep track of precisely how busted your bracket has become), check out HuffPost Sports' NCAA Tournament infographic. Not only will it be updated as the results roll in but you can click each of the pairings below2013 March Madness bracket, Arizona vs. Harvard: Wildcats destroy Crimson, 74-51. By Jon Benne on Mar 23 2013, 8:22p  @LordBenne +. Stay connected with SB Nation Follow @sbnation. Streeter Lecka. Arizona blew away Harvard and will be facingMarch Madness 2013: Gary Harris, Adreian Payne impress in win over Memphis. By Satchel Price on Mar 23 2013, 5:40p  @SatchelPrice +. Stay connected with SB Nation Follow @sbnation. Jonathan Daniel. Rebounding from shaky performances againstOdds of a perfect NCAA March Madness bracket. March 22, 2013 to Statistics by Nathan Yau. Math professor Jeff Bergen explains the odds of picking a perfect

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Michael Bloomberg to push senators on guns in $12 million ad campaign, report ... - Politico

Politico Michael Bloomberg to push senators on guns in $12 million ad campaign, report ...

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Michael Bloomberg to push senators on guns in $12 million ad campaign, report ... -

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"Sun" Sunday

Virgil’s Real Barbeque To Open Inside Mohegan Sun

Famous BBQ Eatery opening this Spring
Barbeque lovers rejoice as Mohegan Sun announces a new addition to their restaurant offerings, Virgil’s Real BBQ, NYC’s original BBQ Restaurant since 1994. Virgil’s will be located on the upper level of The Shops concourse near The Lansdowne Irish Pub & Music House in the previous Big Bubba's BBQ. Virgil’s Real BBQ, which will have seating for 225, will boast something for everyone from comfort food favorites to regional cuisines to complement the famous smoked meats such as brisket, pulled pork and even some vegetarian dishes. This will be their third location with restaurants currently in New York City and in 2001, a 650-seat restaurant at the Atlantis Resort on Paradise Island, Nassau, Bahamas.

Virgil’s fired up its pits and opened its doors in 1994 serving up traditional Southern barbecue and hospitality. Virgil’s smokes all their meats at a low temperature over indirect heat for up to ten hours with a unique mix of hickory, oak and fruit woods in order to impart the most flavor and keep the meat from drying out. To complement the main menu of BBQ specialties, Virgil’s also offers a generous selection of traditional sides like barbecue beans, coleslaw and cheese grits and Southern-style desserts like Banana Pudding and Key Lime Pie. To wash it all down, Virgil’s beer list features 16 beers on tap including Virgil’s own recipe lager brewed by Magic Hat Brewery in Burlington, Vermont. They are available by the glass or pint along with 75 varieties of bottled beers in every style to match any mood or plate.

Jim Rice And Bucky Dent To Visit Mohegan Sun On April 4th
Batter up! Meet two of major league baseball’s heavy hitters on Thursday, April 4th when Jim Rice and Bucky Dent visit Mohegan Sun for a Signings & Sightings event inside Bow & Arrow Sports Bar. Jim & Bucky will be meeting fans and signing autographs for this free event that’s sure to be a “home run!”
*Participation is on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to time restrictions, signing items will be limited to headshots given out at event as well as two pieces of memorabilia per celebrity.

That's all for now.


Powerball Realities

You Can't Win If You Don't Play.......

Yes, that's true. Let's review some other "You can't....if You Don't......" sayings:
  1. "You Can't Win If You Don't Enter" (Still waiting for the balloons & GIGANTIC Check!)
  2. "You Can't Sit If You Want to be Fit" (True! I'm glad I found that saying sitting in my recliner!)
  3. "(If) You Can't Say Something Nice, Don't say ANYTHING AT ALL"
  4. "You Can't Complain If You Don't Vote" (Just think - If we had a $1 National Complaint Jar, We'd turn that deficit around in no time!)
  5. "You Can't Make Your Bed If You're a Tyrannosaurus Rex"(Ok, that's kinda off track, but pretty funny - trying picturing it)
So, today, POWERBALL is BIG! POWERBALL MANIA is out of control. (Really? I have to wait in line to pay cash for gas at Bin's Gas Station, Convenience Store, & Dry Cleaners?)

Well, it IS true - "You Can't Win If You Don't Play." So what chances do you have to win? Well, you have better odds in the following:
  • Birthing identical quadruplets - Odds: 13,000,000 to 1
  • Becoming an astronaut - Odds: 12,100,000 to 1
  • Becoming a movie star - Odds: 1,505,000 to 1
  • Getting a royal flush in a first hand of poker - Odds: 649,740 to 1
  • Finding a four leaf clover - Odds: 10,000 to 1
I heard this said on TV this morning, "You'd think the odds would be better to win at a low jackpot since less people are buying tickets..." OMG! That type of thinking is the same as looking for a cold slot - it's bound to hit. WOW Gambling sure brings out the "smarts" out in people.

Here's the facts:
  • There is a 1 in 175,223,510 chance of winning the jackpot, according to the website of the Multi-State Lottery Association.
  • There's a 1 in 31.85 chance that a ticket holder could win something, including the smallest prize of $4.
  • The pot is technically $320 million, but has a cash value after taxes of $193.8 million, according to the association.
Though sizable, tonight's pot pales in comparison with last year's $588 million Powerball jackpot.So, hey why bother. Afterall, most of us aren't even interested if the jackpot is only 8 digits!

So, it's true - You Can't Win If You Don't Play. Have fun with it, although, you're likelier to die getting struck by lightning than winning the Powerball jackpot: 1 in 134,906.

That's all for now. I have to rush down to Lotto Mart to buy "a" ticket.


Video Game Sequels That Need To Happen

Here are some of my most wanted and desired video game sequels and game series that need continuing. Note that there are spoilers in this feature.

Alan Wake

Alan Wake's American Nightmare wasn't a proper sequel - or so Remedy said. In reality, when I played it, it seemed far more like a sequel than the developers had previously stated. I wasn't very happy about that either, because American Nightmare wasn't even that great and lacked many things that had previously made Alan Wake so outstanding, so for this to be at least 'acting' the sequel was very disappointing. 

Remedy has claimed that a true Alan Wake sequel is in the works though, which is great because the original game was one of, if not my favourite (I know, big statement) game of this gen. 

An 'unnamed' title being developed by Remedy is actually scheduled for a release(?) or reveal(?) after or with the release of the next gen Xbox. This could easily be the next AW game - hopefully.

Whether it is or not is irrelevant though. The bottom line is that the game needs a sequel like I need to eat. 

Alan Wake was astonishingly good in many ways. The game world and setting was brilliant but, most of all, the story, coupled with the superb voice acting, was truly incredible. At the end of the DLC, while it wasn't left on a proper 'edge of your seat' cliffhanger, it didn't exactly clear everything up, and things weren't exactly left great with Alan and his situation. In fact, he was left in a big predicament with a massive task ahead of him. There is clearly not only room, but a need for a sequel here. 

Tomb Raider

The recently released Tomb Raider game is an obvious game that needs a sequel. Obviously it is too early in the day to expect a release anytime soon; after all it was only released a couple of weeks ago. However there is plenty of room for expansion here and it doesn't hurt to take ideas on board now. 

Lara Croft's next outing could be spread out across the world like her older adventures. Instead of having one big map for one big place, the map could represent each part of the world she has so far visited in game, allowing the player to fast travel and go back and explore those areas in more detail. It would be a great way of keeping in the expansive exploration that the recent game offered while bringing many new environments and places to the table.

Just Cause 2

Just Cause 3 has already been hinted at by Avalanche as well as having a picture of it supposedly leaked out (it looked an awful lot like Just Cause 2 to me though). That said, there is nothing official, so let me reinforce just how much this series needs another installment.

Just Cause 2 was AWESOME. However the great thing about it is that while it was an incredible game, it was also fairly flawed, so a third game in the series would (or at least should) offer many improvements and updates.

Just Cause 3 could easily have loads of new awesome features. More destruction is a must as the chaos system was easily the key aspect of the game that the first JC lacked. In a way it was what the series always needed.

Combat is also a part of the game that needs updating. While the gunplay worked well, things like the grapple hook could have more use in combat and maybe even offer some violent finishing moves to perform on (perhaps downed?) enemies.

The story was absolutely fine, though. There is absolutely no need to anything to be made more serious here as the hilarious characters and situation that they were put in were brilliant. 

The last thing I have to add here is that the map needs more secrets. All those offshore islands on the Just Cause 2 map were almost all empty and pointless. Make them more interesting and include some sort of side quests revolving around these weird secrets. That's an order.

Red Dead Redemption

Perhaps one of the most obvious games that urgently needs a sequel or at last qualifies for one is Red Dead Redemption. While the original game had a pretty conclusive end and doesn't need a second game to explain what happened, it left it on such a note that there is plenty of room (room that needs to be filled) for another game. 

Admittedly I wasn't very keen on John's son, Jack, however it would be interesting to see what sort of path he takes in the years after his fathers death. 

At this point in time there is no doubt it would be a next gen title and might even be the game the Rockstar kicks the next generation of it's video games off with. Either way I can recommend little improvements here because RDR was such an incredible game. C'mon Rockstar, astound us!

Sleeping Dogs

Sleeping Dogs received a mixed reception with most reviewers praising certain, particular aspects of the game while criticising others. The difference between these reviews was mostly how much the critics thought these issues affected the game with some websites rating is fairly low while others gave it fantastic scores. 

In the end I think some were too harsh towards it and given its very rocky development and publication process, Square Enix and United Front Games did an awesome job of creating a game that, sure, had its issues but also had a great story and awesome world to explore. The game, mostly combat, mechanics were marvellous too.

Whether an indirect or direct follow-on, Sleeping Dogs deserves some kind of sequel. The basis has been laid, the devs now know what did and didn't work and what the game should focus on more and they can expand on this. There is every reason to continue this as a series and no obvious reason not too. 

Tighten it up, streamline the gameplay and make the necessary adjustments and you are onto a winner. If they do their best, this could turn out to be the series that rivals GTA. Who knows, in five years we might even be hailing this as the sandbox game to own over any others.

There are tons of games that deserve and need sequels in my opinion as well as many series that need the same treatment in the form of more installments. Either way, this list is in no way full of the only games I think need sequels and is just a quick overview of some games I would like to see get expanded upon. There are plenty of titles I want to see and I'm sure you feel the same. Make sure to leave a comment on what games you want to see in the future too!

An Orgasmic Guide on Omelette Making

Do you like omelettes? Good, so do I. I love them, in fact. Here is a brilliant little guide on how to make the nicest, most orgasmic omelette possible. While you read it, it is highly recommended you listen to this. Got it? Gooood. Oh and before we start: things mighty get a bit steamy if you get what I mean. Or, in other words; awkward. Very awkward. Just saying...

So, let us begin.

Step 1...

The first thing you need to do is decide how many eggs you want. I recommend a 3 egg omelette or at least a 2. Anything less will result in burning and a dry texture.

Slowly remove the eggs from their packaging, being careful not to break them. Good.

Arrange them delicately on the side.

Put some oil in the pan to heat up. Oil will make sure it isn't dry and will help to keep things wet. Make sure you spread it out, pouring it all over the pan. Dripping it in, careful not to pour out too much. You don't want it too greasy, do you?

Step 2...

Now you need to break the eggs. It helps if you have some nice, big, jugs. Do you? If yes, brilliant. If no, grab the next best thing. Preferably only a slightly smaller cup. Hopefully you have a fairly big cup. We don't want anything too small to we? Don't want to spill anything anywhere and make a mess.

Get the first egg and break in into the jug/cup. Don't be too gentle or too aggressive. If you are too hard it will break and go everywhere. If you are too soft it will only break a bit, allowing some of the shell to fall into the jug/cup.

Be firm and reassuring with your touch. Once broken, put two fingers inside and split it open. As you do this the egg should slide out and slop into the mixing container. Do this with all eggs. Make sure you really get your fingers in there and firmly spread it open. Otherwise shell will break away and get mixed in.

Step 3...

Mix the eggs together with a fork, unless you are doing anything above a 5 egg omelette in which case you might need something bigger and more experienced. 

The best way to do this is simply plunge the fork in there, swirling the contents around. It will be wet and sloppy, but just mix it, first clockwise then, after a little bit, anticlockwise. 
Make sure you do it vigorously and hard. Really put your strength into it. Some of the juice may splash on you, but bare it out. It won't last long if you do it right. 

Keep going until all of the darker yellow bits have mixed in and the egg is a lighter yellow colour.

Step 4...

The oil should be more than hot enough by now. If it is smoking hot, you know it has been on long enough. 

Pour the egg mix into the pan. Don't do it too fast. Slowly at first and then as the amount of mix lessens pour it all in faster. 

The egg will spread out and mix with the oil. After a little while it will begin to firm up and get harder. 

Once the top of the omelette is dry and there is no more uncooked egg, grab a spatular and use it to lift up the side of the egg and peak under for a better view. Check how it is doing. It might be a bit wet. If it is, let it cook some more.
When it is dry, take the spatular and slide it carefully and slowly underneath. You want it to be firmly between the egg and the pan. Slight it in as far as you can. If you meet any resistance just push on through it. The egg might look like it can't take it, like it might break, but they are more flexible than you think and all should be fine. No damage is likely to be done.

When the spatular is in position, lift it up a bit. The egg will bend slightly. Then, in one quick motion, flip the spatular, along with the egg, over onto the other side. Check out the other side. Make sure it isn't burnt. Brown blotches are mostly OK and simply mean the egg has cooked well. This won't affect the taste when you eat it.

Cook the other side for about a minute, maybe less. When it is done, slide the spatular, again, underneath. It will be easier to get it in now than it was the first time.

Ready yourself then flip the omelette onto your eagerly awaiting plate. 

Step 5...

Take your beautiful egg to the table. If you want to spice things up, add some salt and maybe pepper. If you used the right amount of oil it shouldn't be too wet or greasy. Prepare yourself for this incredible, memorable experience and tuck in. Enjoy it while it lasts <3