Tuesday 11 August 2009

UFC 101 Post-Fight

Sitting in my favorite local establishment following the Anderson Silva - Forrest Griffin debacle, my mouth agape at the humiliation that Griffin has just suffered at the hands of Silva. I now have to say that Silva IS the best pound-for-pound fighter in the world. I base this on his success at 185 AND 205. BJ Penn is in the discussion, but it seems every time he ventures up to 175, he gets destroyed. With Miguel Torres getting knocked out by Brian Bowles this past weekend, BJ is the best 155-pounder in the world. His new training regimen has him in the best shape of his career and that's a very scary thing for the rest of the lightweight division.
So what does Dana White now do with Silva? There's already talk of a Silva-Lyoto Machida superfight. I personally don't think this will ever happen. The guys are too close. Of course, Silva and Wanderlai Silva were close once as well. I would love to see THAT fight. There is some really bad feelings between those two! This is my first ever blog so I hope they will get more interesting as I go. Keep reading and give me some feedback.