Thursday 13 August 2009

Government Healthcare.......Seriously??

As I've followed the debate over "free" healthcare proposed by the Obama administration, I find myself wondering why all the fuss? I wonder why this particular topic is puzzling to so many very bright people. I think I can help. We need to look at some irrefutable facts that are part of the discussion. Facts that, I feel, both sides are overlooking, either by mistaken, ignorance, or intentionally.

#1: NOTHING IS FREE........EVER. If you are a proponent of government-run healthcare and are hooked by the "free" price tag, then you should receive some free couch time with a local psychological professional! Our nation is trillions in debt. How are we going to pay for this thing? Remember what your Mother told you; "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." She was talking about "free" healthcare.

#2: Physicians are medical professionals that are trained in the art of healing people. Elected officials are life-long bureaucrats who haven't got the first damn clue how to stop spending your tax dollars for their 'projects", much less how to administer healthcare. Do you seriously want the same idiots that run the I.R.S. and the United States Post Office determining how your condition will be treated, if it's treated at all? Come on now....

#3: Our country is fat and out-of-shape. No level of "free" healthcare will magically make you healthier than you are at this very minute. The majority of the fat people in America got that way through their own choices and lifestyles. Yes, yes, I know, Mama was a full-figured gal, and Pa was big-boned. I've heard it before. The only thing that will make you healthy is to get off your fat ass, turn off Oprah, and go for a walk!! Sweat a little bit doing something other than walking to the fridge for ore Bon Bons. "Free healthcare will not take the accountability away from you. All you will do is add to the rising cost of drugs because it takes 40 meds to keep you alive.

#4: The reason insurance rates continue to climb is due to Fact #2!!! If we, as a nation were in shape, the insurance companies wouldn't be paying out huge claims for heart attack, and lung cancer because you choose to smoke, even though you've been warned by everyone short of Jesus and Allah that it's bad for you and WILL KILL YOU! Hello? Is anybody listening? So please understand me; the problem isn't the small percentage of people who are born with conditions, such as blood diseases, or other issues. The problem is the vast majority of people to make stupid health choices that continue to put their health at risk. And you seriously sit and wonder why your rates keep going up???

Get off the teet of Uncle Sam and take control and accountability for your own life! Less govenrment is a good government!