Monday 17 August 2009

Why Are These Individuals Still Breathing?

Many of you reading this blog have no doubt been following the Channon Christian/Chris Newsom murder trial in Knoxville. The more I read about this mess (and it IS a mess by anyone's definition) the more I want to vomit! Here we have 4 individuals (I will not refer to them as people as that term infers humanity) who car-jacked, beat, raped, tortured, and murdered two young people who simply happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was a hideous, senseless crime committed by a quartet of thugs. The crimes happened over 2 years ago and the jury is just now being selected. What???? What happened to a speedy trial? What about the grieving parents of these two slaughtered young people? When do they get rest and peace knowing that their child's killers are behind bars or facing death?

Here's how we'd do it in the United States of Chris (a very scary place for thugs such as these). While I fully believe that every man or woman accused of a crime should have their day in court, it would not (and should not) take 2 years to set a freakin' court date! The individual would stand trial and, if convicted would have 48 hours to get his or personal things in order. There's no death row in Chrisland; no special last meal; and certainly no book or movie deals to be made while awaiting the litany of appeals that are sure to follow. No, in Chrisland, if you did the crime you're going to do the time. I also believe that the punishment should fit the crime. So to all you thugs out there......if you murder someone and are found guilty by a jury of your peers; guess what? That's right! You get to pay a short visit to Ol' Sparky!!!

Another thing, while I'm on my of the individual's attorney is trying to spare his client the death penalty by pleading guilty to the lesser charge of "facilitating" the murders. Huh?

In Chrisland, there's no bargaining, no begging for mercy. The defendant should have thought about that LONG before they committed these heinous acts. (And no, I do not care how he was beaten as a child, or how he was on drugs at the time of the murder) If you knew about the murder, drove the car to take someone to or from the murder scene, watched the murder happen, or had a general knowledge that the murder was going to happen, then you too, my friend, will be next in line for Ol' Sparky. Have a nice ride and remember to buckle up! Click it or ticket!!!