Monday 21 September 2009

An "Insane" Field Trip

O.K., I know that I'm not the only one who has head about this story and wondered what in the blue hell is going in in the great Northwest.
Exhibit A: Phillip Paul Arnold, a criminally insane murderer confined to Eastern State mental institution for killing an elderly lady in 1987. He was found to be criminally insane with a heaping side order of schizophrenia. Not a very nice boy at all.
Apparently, the kind folks at Eastern State like to take the coo-coos, otherwise loving labeled as "forensic patients" by the inebriated state of Washington, on field trips, and while their........Uh, hold on! Stop the fucking train! Did I just read that the state government of Washington takes criminally insane felons on field trips?? What the hell? Yes, yes I did dear reader. I can only compose myself long enough to ask one question, "Why in the bloody hell are you, oh state of Washington, taking wackjobs to the state fair of all places?" "Are you, oh state of Washington, in fact, crazy?" "Have you been drinking the Koo-aid?"If ol' Phil is a large enough threat to the public-at-large and has to be locked up to keep himself and others safe, then why, oh why, would you take his ass to the largest public event in your state? Is it just me, or are the inmates actually running the asylum? (Yes, I know, that's more than 1 question)
Let's just spitball here for a moment.....what would happen if, say, ol' Phil's meds wore off in the middle of the damn tilt-a-whirl? What her were to peruse his way over to the "rip-off" games and take a turn at the hoop toss? You know that he would stab one of those carnies in the eye if they didn't give him the pink puppy dog stuffed animal!!!
Must I think of everything?? This, dear readers, is simply another case of the government, be it local, state, or federal spending money on stupid shit......
Better luck next time Phil.