Saturday 19 September 2009

R-E-S-P-E-C-T and The Tebow Man-crush

Job well done boys! I take back what I said earlier in the week about you gettin' your collective asses kicked! You boys went down to The Swamp, the toughest place to play in the SEC, against the #1 team in the country and played football for four quarters. (I'm standing and clapping)

U.T. held Florida to a field goal on it's first drive of the game, and confidence was gained. Tennessee then drove down the field and kicked their own field goal; more confidence gained. This game was about RESPECT. Anytime the odds-makers make you a 30-point dog, there's got to be something inside that makes you want to show them that they were mistaken. Today, the odds-makers were sadly mistaken. Well done fellas.....Wow! Had THIS offense shown up against UCLA, we could have put 30 pojnts on the board easily.

Now the Vern Lundquist and Gary Daniels and the sham that is the Tim Tebow love fest. Dear god....could these two jack-offs be anymore in love with this homo? I half expected Vern to trot down at halftime and offer Timmy fellatio free of charge. CBS should jerk these idiots off the air for no other reason than that they're so partial to Timmy. (Sorry guys, I'm pretty sure he's a virgin, maybe next year) It really made me want to projectile vomit that U.T. is out there killing themselves and literally running the ball down Florida's collective throats, and all Vern and Gary can talk about is how Tebow "never, ever fumbles..." Give me a damn break guys. Are you even watching the game? Oh that's right, you're eyes are glued to Tebow's curvaceous ass on the sidelines and you're letting your spotters call the game for you. (Vern loves it when Timmy puts the headset on!)

I just chipped a tooth grinding my teeth it makes me so sick. Anyway, it's back home to kick the shit outta' Ohio. Here's to hanging 45 on 'em.