Tuesday 29 September 2009

Everybody's All-American

  • National Hot 100

  • East Hot 100

  • Army All-American

  • Scout.com #4 Quarterback Ranking

Sound like anyone you know? No? Didn't think so, at least not since Mr. Manning left Knoxville. Well, unfortunately, it's our very own Jonathon "Captain Neuro" Crompton. These are just some of his many accolades as a high school senior in 2004.

So what the hell happen to our hero in the way to K-Town? Was he abducted by aliens? I mean, we all understand that Phat Phil couldn't do shit with a QB recruit unless Diamond David Cutliff was standing nearby, but how do you miss this badly on a recruit? Gawd people!! Talk about a transformation of the nastiest kind.

J.C. was rated the #4 QB prospect in the nation, had any number of colleges begging to have him come play for them and then POOF!! He arrives in Knoxville and sits and watches Eric Ainge do his thing - whatever HIS thing was. Now I'm certainly not a psychologist, though I play one on the Internet and I honestly think that Crompton thought he was going to come to U.T., take over the reigns as a freshman, win an SEC championship, and possibly a Heisman. But he forgot that Phat Phil doesn't play freshman, even those that are endorsed by ol' Turf Toe Heath. I think that since going through four offensive coordinators in the same number of years, that J.C.'s mental stability packed its fucking bags and went back home. So now, what U.T. (and the fans) are left with is a QB who "has all the physical tools" you could want and a QB "who practices well but it does not transfer into actual games". Huh?

O.K. Let me break this down for you, snowball.....practice is a necessary evil, I get that, but if you practice like Joe Montana, and play like Joe Shit the Rag Man (see J. Crompton) I'm going to pull your sorry ass, and put in the next greatest thing since sliced bread and let him take a crack at completing 50% of his passes.

I'm sure that J.C. is a great guy. Hell, I'd sit and drink some beers with him if the opportunity presented itself, but he cannot now, nor will he EVER be cut out to be an SEC QB.

Make the switch Coach Kiff! This guy is singlehandedly costing us the 2009 season. It really makes me wonder, as a fan, just how shitty is Nick Stephens that Coach Kiff feels that J. Crompton is our best quarterback we've got! Holy Shit!!