Sunday 4 October 2009

The Vols, J.C. and Tailgating, SEC Style

Well, The Jonathon Crompton era continued in vain last night as my beloved Vols fell to the visiting Auburn Tigers / War Eagles / Plainsmen or whatever the hell nickname they're going by this week. Guys, I really am tired of bashing J.C. every single week, but it's just so damn easy! (I know, I'm taking the path of least resistance) But I will continue to do this until there's a change made at QB1, and at this point I really couldn't care less who it is. Hell, line up and run the Wildcat formation 25 times a game. IT SERIOUSLY CAN'T BE WORSE THAN WHAT IT IS RIGHT NOW.

I was at the game last night tailgating with some friends of ours, Rocky and Kristin. (Love you too Bledsoe) And I do believe that brother Rocky's disdain for Crompton outweighs mine. Hard to believe, but true. We sat and watched J.C. miss on a 3-yard screen pass into the flat!! Actually, for the sake of full disclosure, I didn't physically SEE it, but thanks to Rock's excellent, profane-laced description of the fiasco painted the picture for me beautifully! Thanks Rock!
This is why tailgating in the SEC, and at U.T. in particular, is second to nothing as far as non-sporting, public events. You have great friends, great food, and SEC's damn near impossible to screw it up!

OK back to my whipping boy, J.C......
It seems as if the more that the staff over there tries to simplify the gameplan for Crompton, the more he fucks it up! If I had a nickel for every conversation that I overheard last night talking about how incredibly shitty J.C. was/is, I would be blogging from Fiji and now really giving a rat shit about U.T. football or who was playing QB1. Is Coach Kiff really that set in his own mind with Crompton as QB1?

*********We competed with Florida IN SPITE of Crompton***********

*********We competed against Auburn IN SPITE of Crompton**********

Can you imagine what we could do with any local high school QB / village idiot taking the snaps? Hell, we would be undefeated and likely ranked in the top 10 if not the top 5 in the nation. Thank god for tailgating and mass amounts of Heineken Light!!!!!