Wednesday 9 September 2009


What constitutes a family? The most basic definition that I could locate, as found in Webster's dictionary is, "A social unit living together.' Not a very functional definition, but a loose one nonetheless.

I spent this past weekend with my Dad, Aunt, Fiance', and my Dad's "lady friend in the North Georgia mountains and I came to the realization that my family is awesome! Now.....I've always known this in the back of my mind, but we've gone through some changes within the past couples of years. Two rather nasty divorces, an engagement (mine!), and the death of my sweet mother, Linda. And as I sat and watched my family interact with one another and people with whom they socialize, there were a couples of things that became very real to me. First, a family loves you no matter what! It's a pretty cool things, actually. I'm fairly certain that they don't HAVE to love you but they do. And quite often they love YOU in spite of YOU!!! Now I've done some pretty stupid things in my life (none of which landed me in the pokey, I'm happy to say), but my immediate family has never failed to be there for me. Even when I wed the wrong woman 16 years ago, they stood buy my decision, even though it turned out to be the worst decision I've to this point in my life. (I feel a tear coming on...) Now my family is certainly not perfect, by anyone's definition of the word, but their MINE and I love each and everyone of them.

I appreciate the members of my family that continue to love me unconditionally, even though it's not always the easiest thing to do. For those members of my family that follow my blog......I love you, even though I probably don't tell you often enough.
