Sunday 13 September 2009

The Honeymoon Is Over

Well.....I wish that I could say that I was shocked at the outcome of Saturday's debacle against UCLA in Neyland Stadium, but I'm really not. If I didn't know any better I'd think that Fat Phil was roaming the sidelines once again with he play-calling that Lane Kiffin ran on offense. (or is that offence?) Jonathon Cromton sigle-handedly GAVE the game to the young upstart Bruins. With a lost fumble and not one, not two, but THREE interceptions, he kept UCLA in the game when they shoud have easily beaten this team by the required 7-10 points. It would seem that the offense is once again anemic, with the QB play lacking in al areas of the position. Crompton has all the tools you want in a big time QB, strong arm, good mobility, and decent touch. But what he's missing is comething that cannot be taught; he's a damn basket case!!! After his second pick, the cameras panned over to find him sitting on the bench puting. What the fuck?

"Dear Jonathon,

You are the starting QB for the University of Tennessee. You ARE the leader of the offense, if not the entire team. You do not get to have a pity party on national T.V. The fans do not care if Gerald Jones can't run a route correctly, or if he slipped on a sore ankle, the interceptions go to your stats, not his. It is YOUR responsibility to make certain that the dumbass center knows what count to snap the ball on, and to make certain the receivers run the correct route. THIS is what you signed up for when you came here. Now we all understand that this is your 4th offensive coordinator in four years....blah, blah, blah. Cry me a freakin' river!!! Nobody cares Jonathon! Make plays against teams your should make plays against; win the game, and go home. If you can't tell somebody in charge that you no longer want the spotlight and move the fuck out of the way."

I am a bit stunned that Coach Kiffin did not put in Nick Stephens yesterday. How much worse could it get? Crompton has the mental stbility of a crack whore, and it was apparent to everyone BUT Kiffin that he was done after the 2nd interception yesterday. This lack of a move tells me that he has little ot no confidence in Stephen's ability to lead the offense. And since we seem completely incapable of recruiting a QB that can trow the football from here to there to someone in an Orange jersey,we're completely screwed for the foreseeable future. God only knows that Tebow and The Urban Legand are going to do to us next week. Yep, I think it's safe to say that the honeymoon's officially over for Kiffin and his band of merry men.