Monday 12 October 2009

Can you recall the days when EVERYTHING we talked about or did wasn’t politicized? Maybe it’s always been the way it currently is in the United States. Everything seems to be divided along the lines of red and blue, Liberal and Conservative, Democrat and Republican (not that those last two terms mean much anymore)

I was listening to my favorite local talk show this morning, and the topic was, of all things, whether or not Rush freaking Limbaugh should be able to become part-owner of the St. Louis Rams. Huh?
My very first response was “Who gives a rat shit?” But then, I listened a little more intently and the host, who is a master of communication, dug a bit deeper on the topic.

Apparently, there have been a couple of players on the Rams that have expressed their 1st Amendment right of free speech, and said, in so many words, that if Limbaugh was in any way involved with the team, they would not play. Huh? So, just so I’m following you’re “logic” on this issue guys, you’re not going to play a child’s game, get paid millions upon millions of dollars, and have thousands of adoring fans, because you disagree with the political affiliations of one of the owners? Since when does this matter? You do realize that the vast majority of owners in the NFL are Conservative Republicans, right?

Granted, Limbaugh’s viewpoints, however extreme, are better known than most due to his daily radio show. I don’t agree with more than ½ of what comes flying out of his pie hole, but he has the same 1st Amendment right to say it, that the NFL players have to say what they’re saying; only he doesn’t sound as stupid. I get it that you have personal convictions, but are you THAT entrenched in your personal beliefs that you’d give it all up? Come on now….Maybe it’s just me. Maybe I’m just too motivated by moolah, but if someone wants to pay me obscene amounts of cash to play football, I couldn’t care less who owns the team. OK, maybe I wouldn’t play for bin Laden, but I’d damn sure play for Castro if the money was there.

What I’m saying is…’s a game! Can’t we just sit back and enjoy the game for the sake of enjoyment? Do we have to divide everything and everyone based on their political affiliations? It seriously makes me want to puke! Believe what you want. Pray to the tree gods, I really don’t care. Dance around campfires buck-naked; whatever, but leave my sports alone! Some things shouldn’t be dicked with!! I was in the military and defended your right to act like an idiot. So act like a jackwad if you want to, but leave my sports out of your contctions!!!