Saturday 10 October 2009

Prozac and The Bootleg

As the game with Georgia drew closer, those of us not drinking the Jon Crompton Kool-aid, had little reason to feel as if U.T. would do anything different than they had in the previous 3 weeks; this means mass interceptions per game, a couple of missed field goals, and maybe a nice fumble just for shits and giggles.

As I type this blog, U.T. just finished bitch-slapping U.Ga. 45-19, and 16 of the 19 points that the pathetic 'tards from down South managed were non-offensive. A safety, a pick-6 and a 100-yard kickoff return for a touchdown. Gawd they really do suck hind tit....

Somewhere George Cafego is rolling over in his grave with the performance of the special teams today. It was pretty bad. But luckily, they can run until they puke yesterday's lunch at practice on Monday, and that should rectify the problem(s).

Now to make favorite target; Jon Crompton. Who the hell knew that a small dose of Prozac and the bootleg pass could solve his mental incapacities? Damn guys, I understand that this guy is a complete experiment week-toweek, but why did it take this long to get it ironed out? I know that U.T. did try to roll Crompton out in the past few games, but it never did really take. (I'm telling you, it's the Prozac) But, for right now at least, it looks as if Crompton is manageable if he's more mobile in the pocket as he was today. Crompton was 20 for 27 for 310 yards passing; a new career high! Outstanding Jon! Like I've said in previous posts, no one who's watched for more than 7 minutes has ever doubted your physical talent. It's the ol' noodle we're worried about!

A critical moment came in the second quarter after Georgia ran the kick-off back 100 yards to tie the game. I was thinking that Jon would crumble just as he's done nearly his entire U.T. carer. It was make or break time for him, and he stepped up to the fucking plate and knocked it right outta' the park!!! Well played J.C.! Glad to see the lobotomy that Coach Orgeron performed during Tuesday's practice last week worked.

Coach Kiff got the proverbial Gatorade bath after the game; his first SEC win. It's gotta' feel good. But let's remember to stick to the 24-hour rule imposed by Coach O: enjoy this win for 24 hours and then forget it, just like you've dome for the 3 previous losses, for Aladamnbama comes a' callin' next Saturday. And you know how the old money of U.T. hates to lose to Aladamnbama.

I don't think that anyone truly expects us to win that game, but just like Florida, we should compete and at least make it interesting.

Good job fellas......enjoy it. You've certainly earned it!