Friday 9 October 2009

Obama Wins! Obama Wins! The Nobel Peace Prize??

Now I know that my left-leaning relatives and friends probably won't take kindly to this. I'm not here to rip President Obama. This is more about the judges that have gotten caught up in his celebrity and awarded him the freaking Nobel Peace Prize! I know nothing about the requirements for winning the award, or even what the judges look at when deciding; but seriously now, what has he done to warrant such an award. This is paramount to Charles Woodson winning the Heisman instead of Peyton Manning, just because....(remember that Vols fans?)

I don't even know anyone who was in the running; had no clue that it was even time to award the damn thing, but is this the best we've got? He's not even been in office a year yet. How can there be no other person on the planet that's doing more for peace than Obama?

Was Obama running against Hugo Chavez, or Osama bin Laden? Was Hillary Clinton not available at the time? Hell, I should've thrown my name in the hat. A Nobel prize would look good on the ol' resume! :)

Maybe my youngest daughter should've applied, she's kind of a peace-maker during her soccer matches with the other 8-year-olds. Now, in all fairness he did convince an entire nation to chant "Yes we can!!" so maybe that's what put him over the top in the balloting. He is a smooth orator, and dresses really nice. Wait! I know now what the deciding factor was....OPRAH! Obama and Oprah are buds as thick as thieves and EVERYBODY loves Oprah. (Except for me!)

I found out earlier to day that Obama was only in office for 12 days when the nominations were completed! 12 days? I don't even get paid in 12 days!! This award is now, unfortunately added to the list of other awards that are based on nothing.....nothing save the recipient's celebrity. The fact is that Obama won this award for no other reason than the color of his skin. It can't be anything other than that, because he hasn't DONE anything even remotely deserving of the Nobel prize. At least Jimmy Carter, for all his shortcomings, had serious peace talks with the powers of the Middle East at the time of his presidency.