Thursday 28 January 2010

Stop The Politic and Fix the Country!!!

As I’m watching President Obama’s S.O.T.U. address last night, I’m wondering what direction he and his Democrat-controlled Congress are leading our country.
President Obama is a very eloquent speaker, to be certain, but is there is substance, whatsoever, to his wordy, beautiful speeches? There doesn’t seem to be, and now the President is starting lose the faith of his own party in Congress, who are running for reelection this year. Can they really afford to continue down this path of political aggressiveness? Do these that suckle on the teat of the American taxpayer really want to continue to poke the proverbial sleeping dog with a stick? The recent Massachusetts elections have shown the Democrats (and Republicans) that no one is safe. I truly believe that the people of this country are sick and tired of having their country run by special interest groups who cut backroom deals, hidden from the daylight of openness and fairness.
Personally, I like the way that the tide seems to be turning. I have long believed that we need, and deserve, more than the two-party system in government that we currently have. There are times when it has worked, but in times such as these, it is a boil that needs to be lanced with a hot needle. The President has made promises, as has ever other candidate running for an elected office has, that have yet to materialize. The difference is that this country is in a shitstorm right now and empty promises only make the problem worse. He did make a good point last night when eh said that there were issues before he took office. This is true, but every President in history has had messes to clean up from the previous administration. Obama’s mess to clean up is simply larger than most. The country didn’t get in this shape overnight and it’s certainly not going to be repaired overnight; but there really doesn’t seem to be a direction from this administration other than “we need healthcare reform.”
I believe that the administration is trying to do entirely too much in too short a period of time. Why can’t they see that the majority of Americans want less government; not more? Regardless of what it’s promising to do for you. In my humble opinion, until the people of this country make the concerted effort to do for self, and stop letting Uncle Sam pay your bills and feed you and clothe you……nothing will change. This isn’t a Democrat/Republican thing; it’s an American self-esteem thing. Because here’s the pinch; if the government is feeding and clothing you, THEY get to determine how you act and what you pay. (Well the IRS already takes our pay before we even see it, but that’s a blog for another day)
I hope that Obama does a good job for the country, regardless of what party he is. I really couldn’t care less if I tried to. I’m far more interested in his results than his political affiliations or his sound bites.