Tuesday 23 February 2010

One Man and A Bulldozer Can Do Amazing Things

Terry Hoskins, much like the late Joe Stack, has had all he can stand of the Internal Revenue Service, and his local bank. Terry, a business owner from Moscow, Ohio, just outside of Cincinnati, discovered that his mortgage company planned to foreclose on his home, which was valued at $350,000. In addition,the I.R.S. placed liens on his carpet store and other commercial property in Clermont County after his brother, a previous partner in the business, sued him.
Even more remarkable is the fact that Hoskins had received an offer by someone to pay off the home for $170,000 and the bank, River Hills Bank, outright refused, stating that they could get more for the home during the auction. So Hoskins did what any right-minded, red-blooded American would do when they find themselves between a rock and a hard place; he tore down his own house!!!

This guy, after nearly 10 years of fighting and bickering back and forth with the “powers that be” decided he’d rather have no home at all as opposed to the bank taking it away from him. “As far as what the bank is going to get, I plan on giving them back what was on this hill exactly (as) it was," Hoskins said. "I brought it out of the ground and I plan on putting it back in the ground."
Hoskins’ business, which is located in the neighboring town of Amelia, is up for auction on March 2nd, and according to reports, he’s seriously contemplating leveling that property too. Freakin’ sweet!

Now, while I can’t condone his actions, I do thoroughly enjoy them! I love the fact that this guy was literally “stuck” and decided to fight back. We, the American taxpayers take so much shit from the I.R.S. with deadlines, and our obligatory April 15th rape, that it really warms my heart when a single individual takes matters into his or her own hands. When I read the this story this morning, it made me laugh for the better part of 15 minutes. But there’s a question that is buried underneath all the chicanery; “How many more acts such as this one and the pilot flying into an I.R.S. building must happen before the government wakes up?” What must we do to show these idiots that we are overwhelmed and tired of paying the taxes that we pay for stupid crap that doesn’t matter. Yes, we need sanitation. Yes, we need paved streets, Yes, we need clean water and schools. But how much is enough? The incentive that I earn at my job is taxed at a 33% clip. Damn! It’s like being continually punched in the face with no relief.

I applaud Terry Hoskins for his act and wish him the best in the county lock-up, which is surely where he’s headed. No one will remember his name even 3 years from now, but he will forever be immortalized in the Coach Barbour blog as an anti-I.R.S. hero!
Live long and prosper inside the Force, Terry

Monday 22 February 2010

The Two-Party Political System Sucks!!!

I was speaking on the phone with a dear friend last night, and he was asking me about the Blog. I explained that I hadn’t blogged in some time simply because I didn’t have enough time. He lives in Boise, Idaho with his lovely wife and baby daughter. But speaking with him made me realize how completely hosed up our system of government actually is. (I suppose that I would have thought of this without talking to him but the conversation definitely helped my thought process.)
The two-party system has drastically outlived its usefulness in America. Why we, as a nation continue to vote for the same old, regurgitated candidates, who have been in office more than 2/3 of their lives is beyond me. My friend made a statement last night during our conversation that I have repeated numerous times during an election cycle; “You sometimes have to vote for the lesser of two evils.” This statement, though true, made me sad for the country that I love. Should our voting process really come down to selecting a candidate based on who sucks less? I mean, have we, as a nation devolved to this level of stupidity? Do we not care about our country, our families, and our freedom any more than this? If so, and judging by the past few Presidential elections this is the case, then we are sad, sad people.
Why is it that one must be a lawyer to run for office? Why is the act of governing so very complicated? Does it need to be this way? I honestly think that the people than could do the best job for this country are so jaded by the overall political process, as well as the mud-slinging that always ensues a political run, they have deemed the process unworthy of their time and sweat. I can understand why no one of any character would want to subject themselves and their family to that mess. I am desperate for a solution, but I don’t have one myself. Democrats and republicans used to stand for something. When a person identified themselves as one or the other, you knew the type of person you were dealing with. And then, somewhere along the line, something changed. Politicians

began defining their very existence by the party they were affiliated with. My friend, this is a very sad state of affairs. Right now, other than the abortion issue, there’s not a plug nickel’s worth of difference between either parties. Because while government is important, it is NOT the end-all, be-all that many would have you believe. Government is NOT the cure for all of your personal, financial, and (God forbid) medical problems. In fact, the greater issue may be that people in this country are freakin’ lazy and want Uncle Sam to do everything for them. Businesses that don’t operate ethically or financially sound should be allowed to fail; bar none. Individuals who refuse to get off their fat ass and put in an honest day’s labor for a paycheck, or who run up credit card debt that they have no way, or intention of repaying should likewise be allowed to fail.
The people of this country need to pull their head out of the sand, look beyond their owns needs in this life and, for once, do what is in the best interest of the nation-at-large. We no longer have representation, for the most part and that is a huge damn problem in my book. Let’s break out of this “Democrat or Republican” only mentality and think outside of the box a little bit. We put a man on the moon for crying out loud; surely we can figure this thing out. Educate yourselves BEFORE you vote, or better yet, don’t vote at all!

Friday 19 February 2010

"Big Brother Tax Man"

Today, I read the manifesto of Joe Stack, the seemingly sane individual who flew his personal aircraft into an IRS building yesterday.

While I’m certain that people will call this guy a “nutcase”and a “whack job”, I think there needs to be some close perspective shed on this poor man. If you read the manifesto he wrote, you can hear the words of a man who was, obviously, at his wits’ end. His words to not strike me as crazy, or insane; quite the contrary, his ideas are well thought out even though, by his own admission, had a lot of random thoughts running through his mind.

I have always found it interesting what makes a person think that there are no other options and decides to take their own life. (And in this case the lives of others) I have been in low points in my life where it seemed like death would be a better location than the one I was currently occupying, but never got to the point of following through with the thoughts. Having gotten a glimpse of Joe Stack’s mindset, I now understand. This guy, by initial indications, was a hard-working, middle-class guy who, like most of us, has his problems. Not a criminal; not a thug. His actions, though deplorable, are at the very least understandable.
So the question to be posed is, “Is Joe Stack the issue, or is the issue the United States tax model?”

I have been a supporter of a national flat sales tax and the resulting abolition of the I.R.S. This is not hard people….you buy a Mercedes-Benz; you pay tax on a Benz….once. If you but a Chevrolet Monte Carlo, the tax wouldn’t be the same as the Mercedes. How hard is that to comprehend? But here’s the dig; it’s far easier for the Federal Government to TAKE your money up front in the form of taxes, than it is for them to operate under the constraints of a budget-type system. And make no doubt, we do not PAY taxes. The tax is taken from us before we ever even get to touch our payroll checks or direct deposits. And when the fortunate few get a “refund”….sure you did. Uncle Sam TOOK your money up front, and then used it for whatever, and then gave it back to you. It was never his to being with!!!

The entire system is a sham and is outdated. But as long as there’s money to be made by those in power, whomever that may be, the system will remain in place. And I fully believe that we will see more acts such as this one in the coming days and months. This will be because we have no true representation in this “republic” government. When people catch on the that fact, all hell is going to break loose. I can only hope I’m around to see it happen.

Shit Personified

There will likely be many more posts in the near future about the topic of which a write today. So let's just call this a "teaser", shall we?

Do you know anyone who meets the following characteristics?
  • Lives off the family name
  • Drives a vehicle they did not buy themselves
  • Lives in a house they do not own
  • Has people they are not related to to pay their medical bills
  • Is a hypochondriac

Most of you that read my blog know a person exactly like this and later we will look into the mind and psyche of Shit Personified.....should be a blast

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Illegal Immigration......Simplified

America is the greatest country on our little blue marble; I have stated this fact before. And we do have more than our share of issues going on here. I mean, we're still babies as far as nations go; we're still trying to figure this thing out. But there is one single issue that can be cured without alot of hulabaloo. This issue is illegal immigration. This single issue is costing our taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars every year, and it's got to stop. Or at least brought to a very slow trickle.
Now I understand that this wonderful nation is made up of immigrants; save my Native American brothers. America is the place where a person can literally be anything they choose to be. We have more freedoms in this country than most of its citizens even realize. That's what makes it so attractive. But America is also a nation of laws and if you, Mr. Immigrant are here without the proper documentation, you are breaking our laws. I'm not really certain why this is. For instance, the next time you have a free moment, try to sneak into China and send us a postcard to let us know what happened. Or how about crossing the border illegally into Iran? The climate is always warm, I hear. You know why immigrants aren't lined up at the border to get into these veritable wonderlands? Because they will shoot your collective asses on sight if they catch you attempting to sneak into the country. So why does America continue to allow this? Just like a small child who keeps getting into the cookie jar, after the parent has repeatedly told him or her not to, THERE ARE NO CONSEQUENCES.
So, after spending all of 15 minutes at my desk yesterday I have developed not just one plan....oh no! I have come up with two plans for controlling the illegal immigrant population. Ready? Now these are very detailed and highly thought-out, so please read slowly and try to stay with me.

Plan A: Commit as many Armed Americans as possible to the borders of this country; both North and South. I don't care what it costs, because whatever the cost to do this, it's less expensive than the illegals are costing us every day! These Armed Americans will be ordered to shoot on-sight, any adult trying to cross our borders illegally. Children with parents will be immediately deported. Just shoot 'em and carry their carcasses back across the border and make a daily phone call to the leader of whatever country they came from and tell him that he can pick up "x" number of bodies at midnight.

Plan B: I developed this one for my more humanitarian relatives that follow this blog. Plan B would allow our eager illegals (try saying that 3 times really fast!) to cross over into our country. However, upon arrival, they would be immediately enlisted into the Infantry Division of the U.S. Army and sent to one of three exotic locations: Iraq, Pakistan, or Afghanistan. Here they will be required to serve a 5-year enlistment defending the country that they obviously adore. If they refuse or are unable to complete this 5-year opportunity, they would then be required to take up residence in the country i which they are currently serving, because that's where they will be left!
However, after completion of the "probationary period", and after completing an E.S.L. course, they will be welcomed home as both a hero and a U.S. citizen!
Everybody wins!!!
As previously stated, there are many issues in this country, but illegal immigration ain't one of them.