Thursday 3 June 2010

Border Wars

Is it just me, or is America the ONLY country on the blue marble with border issues? (i.e. illegal immigrants) I was listening to a discussion about this topic on Hallerin Hill's morning radio show, as President Obama is set to meet with the governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer. The meeting will play out to be little more than a photo op for both parties. "If they're not going to enforce the law in America, we're going to enforce it in Arizona", Brewer has been quoted as saying.

Which leads me to my question du jour; why doesn't America defend its borders any more than we do? Think about it for a moment. The arguement that I always seem to encounter is, "there's labor that needs to be done that American citizens won't d because it's beneath them, so we hire illegals to do it." Bullshit. The reason, the only reason that illegals are hired is because they will work for cheap. Hell, they have to work for cheap, because even if they knew better than to work for $5 an hour, who are they going to complain to? Are they going to drive to their local Better Business Bureau and file a complaint? Doubtful. It's all about money and always will be about money, so please don't insult our intelligence by making up some erroneous story.

I also wonder to myself, "Self", I say, "Why is it that the main argument for universal healthcare (see socialist healthcare) is that 'every other industrialized nation except for the U.S. does it'"? Why don't we apply that very same logic to our borders? Ever hear of anyone trying to sneak into North Korea? Hell no you don't. (not that anyone would freely go there) How about Iran, Turkey, or pretty much any other middle eastern country of your choosing? Unless your name is Osama bin Laden, you cannot just cross into another country without proper documentation. In Nicaragua, you can't even leave the country unless you are going abroad to study.

So since Arizona seems to be the only southern border state with the huevos to do what the American government refuses to do, lets do this; close the border altogether! Yep, you heard me! Close it. POst a damn "No vacancy" sign in bright neon letters every hundred yeards or so. We really don't need anymore people here. We're good, really.

You want to lower healthcare costs? Close the border
You want to lower crime in the southwestern U.S.? Close the border
You want to cut drug trafficing by 65%? Close the border
Just close the stupid thing, shoot anyone atempting to cross it and worry about the paperwork later.