Thursday 27 December 2012

What are your Casino New Year's Resolutions?

Do people really make resolutions and stick to them? C'mon now - really?

I think we as human beings make resolutions on January 1st with all good intentions. I really do! They represent hope - change for the better - forward improvement. Whether we follow them or not, they represent what we think are important changes to make as individuals and as a society.

So resolutions are good, right? Let's look at some gambling resolutions for the new year:

1) I will stay withing my Bankroll! Know what you can spend. If you have a winning session, great! If not, stick to your limit. If losses approach the amount you're willing to spend, slow down. Take a timeout, get a snack - people watch! If you hit your limit, it's time to stop

2) I won't bother people near me - I will respect other players space and focus. Instead of bothering others, I will do my own homework and learn the games myself.

3) I will learn the games before I play: A little homework goes a long way in helping to cut the odds against you at casino games. Learn basic strategy in blackjack and for each video poker game you play. Know the rules and best bets in craps. No matter your game of choice, buy a good book and read about the best methods of play.

4) I will keep part of my winnings: Your winnings aren't "their money." As soon as you've won it, it's yours, and you don't have to give it back. On any sizable win, put at least half of it away. You can buy yourself a treat, go out for an evening on the town, put a little away for the kids' or grandkids' educations, pay bills --- whatever you want.

5) I will keep track of my gambling. Keeping track of stats such as time spent, casinos visited, promotions used, money won/lost, etc...will force you to look at your gaming experiences. Patterns of losing play, or machines played, may indicate that changes are needed.

6) I will play only with money I can afford to lose: When the losses come, make sure you don't have money earmarked for food, clothing, school, the rent or mortgage on the line. Play with money budgeted for entertainment, not for life's necessities.

7) I will never chase losses: What's worse than losing money? Losing even more in a desperate attempt to win it back. You're never "due" to win, and wins and losses don't have to even out in the time we play. A losing streak means it's time to ease back or quit, not bet more.

8) I will never use credit card cash advances for gambling money: Think the house edge is high on some games? Try comparing it to credit card interest rates. The house edge added to interest on borrowed money and ATM fees --- that's a tough combination to overcome.

9) I will go easy on the alcohol: If you want to have a drink while you play, that's your business. You don't want your judgment impaired with money on the line. Have a good time, but keep a clear head, too.

10) I will keep perspective and play for fun: Keep perspective and play for fun. Gambling in a casino is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Only a handful of blackjack and video poker players have the skill, discipline and bankroll to enable them to make money in the long run. Most of us will lose more than we win at any game. Most players are best off to treat losses as the price of admission for a day's entertainment. Casino gambling is a form of entertainment, a way to have a good time. On those days when we take a little extra cash home, so much the better. But even a losing day can be fun if you keep your expectations realistic.

11) I will pay attention to my TITO payments.Be careful with your money. There are people out there who look to take other players money, TITO vouchers (TITO = Ticket In, Ticket Out) purses and more. That's their job! Be careful out there

12) I will be more aware of my Rewards Account. Remember, all rewards clubs have different rules. 1 point in one club equals $1, but other clubs have 100 points equaling $1. And be aware of when your points expire.

I'm sure there are more. Whatever your resolutions may be, I hope you keep them as long as possible. I hope your New year is a prosperous one - make 2013 the best gaming experience yet. Get that royal!

That's all for now
