Friday 15 February 2013

(Blog) My Apologies!

Hi people, I want to quickly apologise for the lack of Articles on MichaelTheKyle over the last week; I have been very busy with various things including my birthday, which was on the 14th of February (yes, my birthday is on Valentine's day!). 

I will be publishing a special FUT player review soon about the new Falcao that was released, another feature on MTK and a blog on MTE about my experience with a particular film that you might have seen me tweet about. 

Another quick note I want to make is that hopefully some commentaries and podcasts will be arriving shortly as planned by the end of Feb to early March!

So there you have it, just a quick update to all yo peeps! 
On another note, how did all of your Valentine's days go? Luckily I have my birthday on it so I have a diversion away from not having a date =D

Aside from that, remember to follow me on twitter so you can keep up do date with any updates I issue as I tend to use twitter for that a lot. 

So yeah, remember to do your shiz and I will talk to you shortly in my next blog which I want to get out by the beginning of next week!

See ya later troops!