Friday 13 November 2009

Cut 'Em Loose Lane!!!

After reading John Adams column online this morning, I felt like I had to weigh in on the situation with the U.T. football program. Since Lane Kiffin took over, there have been 0 off-the-field incidents. None. Nada. Nil. Zilch. And then the inevitable happened......the fellas cut loose. Nu'Keese Richardson, Jantzen Jacksion, and Mike Edwards (who?) were arrested Wednesday with alleged attempted armed robbery.
These pampered athletes really make me want to puke sometimes. I mean, you guys have the would by the juevos; you can go and be anything you want. You get to run through the "T" every Saturday and are worshipped by nearly everyone in K-Town. What possess you to do something so mindless? Were the re-runs of "The Office" not on on Wednesday night? We're you really that bored? Think about this...."Hey man, let's get a BB gun and go jack some geeky dudes for their money!"
That makes no sense whatsoever! I believe, as John Adams has correctly stated in his column today, Coach Kiff has the option to do the right thing here. If they're convicted, they all 3 need to be summarily dismissed from the team; never to return. Let 'em go play Division III football somewhere. Frankly I couldn't care less if I tried to. I'm sick of athletes, both college and pro, thinking that they run the damn place. I really feel nauseous as I'm writing this! Of course, they are innocent until proven guilt in a court of law, but if they are proven guilt, cut 'em loose! And I really hope that each player's worth to the team as a player doesn't factor in to the decision. Jantzen is an amazing player and likely in the running for freshman All-SEC. The other two are just idiots that no one would miss if they disappeared tomorrow.
Do the right thing Coach!!!