Tuesday 10 November 2009

For Those Who Served

If you've ever complained about how a local election in your respective city or county turned out......

If you've ever gone to whatever church or mosque you choose, to worship whatever god yo choose to worship.......

If you've ever cast a ballot in a political race......

If you have ever gotten into a car that you paid for and listened to whatever music genre you choose, while driving to a job that you picked of your own free will.....

If you've ever expressed your opinion in an open forum......


These freedoms and many, many others are the direct result of Veterans who cared enough to do the most difficult jobs for the least amount of money, in the worst imaginable situations in existence. The old saying goes, "If you love your freedom, thank a Vet." Never have more true words been uttered.

Lord knows our elected "representatives" aren't getting damn job done. (By the way, they're not public servants.)
Vest, for the most part, love this country. If you come across an old man on your next trip to your local Wal Mart, thank him, because he likely served his country for YOU.
Vets typically don't ask for much.....
We don't want parades......
We don't want awards......
But what we do want is for the general public to acknowledge our personal sacrifices on a number of levels. This can be accomplished very easily by a simple "Thank you."

So by all means, go vote, drive you car, marry the person you want to, listen to whatever music your see fit. Eat, drink and be merry, just don't forget that there are men and women dying for your precious freedom.