Thursday 28 January 2010

Stop The Politic and Fix the Country!!!

As I’m watching President Obama’s S.O.T.U. address last night, I’m wondering what direction he and his Democrat-controlled Congress are leading our country.
President Obama is a very eloquent speaker, to be certain, but is there is substance, whatsoever, to his wordy, beautiful speeches? There doesn’t seem to be, and now the President is starting lose the faith of his own party in Congress, who are running for reelection this year. Can they really afford to continue down this path of political aggressiveness? Do these that suckle on the teat of the American taxpayer really want to continue to poke the proverbial sleeping dog with a stick? The recent Massachusetts elections have shown the Democrats (and Republicans) that no one is safe. I truly believe that the people of this country are sick and tired of having their country run by special interest groups who cut backroom deals, hidden from the daylight of openness and fairness.
Personally, I like the way that the tide seems to be turning. I have long believed that we need, and deserve, more than the two-party system in government that we currently have. There are times when it has worked, but in times such as these, it is a boil that needs to be lanced with a hot needle. The President has made promises, as has ever other candidate running for an elected office has, that have yet to materialize. The difference is that this country is in a shitstorm right now and empty promises only make the problem worse. He did make a good point last night when eh said that there were issues before he took office. This is true, but every President in history has had messes to clean up from the previous administration. Obama’s mess to clean up is simply larger than most. The country didn’t get in this shape overnight and it’s certainly not going to be repaired overnight; but there really doesn’t seem to be a direction from this administration other than “we need healthcare reform.”
I believe that the administration is trying to do entirely too much in too short a period of time. Why can’t they see that the majority of Americans want less government; not more? Regardless of what it’s promising to do for you. In my humble opinion, until the people of this country make the concerted effort to do for self, and stop letting Uncle Sam pay your bills and feed you and clothe you……nothing will change. This isn’t a Democrat/Republican thing; it’s an American self-esteem thing. Because here’s the pinch; if the government is feeding and clothing you, THEY get to determine how you act and what you pay. (Well the IRS already takes our pay before we even see it, but that’s a blog for another day)
I hope that Obama does a good job for the country, regardless of what party he is. I really couldn’t care less if I tried to. I’m far more interested in his results than his political affiliations or his sound bites.

Sunday 24 January 2010

The Big 4-0

I sit here on the day before my 40th birthday and ponder what my life will amount to when I'm gone. I mean, let's be honest here, we all want to be remembered for something other than just "being' here.
It's funny; I don't "feel" 40; whatever that means. But I'm certain as the body begins to break down, the pains, and the near-sightedness, and other issues associated with getting old will come. I don't fear getting old, because it seems to me nothing more than a state of mind. I'm in fair shape for being inactive for the past year or so. I guess when a person, especially a man, reaches this magical number, he begins to question his own mortality. "How much longer do I have?", you ask yourself. None of us really knows. I could die tomorrow and wouldn't be a bit surprised.
I have long thought that I would never live to see my 60th birthday. I'm not really certain why, and I don't have empirical evidence to back that feeling up. Just a gut feeling, I guess. I believe that a fair part of our mortality can be attributed to our significant other; spouse; lover; whatever. In my previous marriage I could have guaranteed you that I would not make it to my 60th. And quite frankly, there were many times that I didn't want to. (Pretty bad, right?) But I have since found my soul mate and the absolute woman of my dreams in my wife and I think that I'd like to hang around for a little bit longer. She and I have alot to do....alot of 'catching up" to do.
It's strange how we view age in relation to our own age. I've always thought that my Dad was younger than his physical age. I've got some pretty good genes working in my favor. If I recall correctly, I think Dad got carded for cigarettes when he was 40+. (Although I ordered a beer at Wasabi's last night. The dude next to me was asked for I.D. and I was not = reality check)
Anyway turning 40 isn't what I thought it would be, and I'm certainly not ready for the annual Dr. Jellyfinger visits!!!

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Drinkin' The "Lane Train" Kool-Aid

Somewhere, Phil Fulmer is laughing his ass off.
Somewhere in the greater Los Angeles metroplex, Al Davis is sitting in his white, polyester leisure suit, drinking a martini laughing his ass off.

Lane Kiffin pulled the greatest illusion and subsequent escape since Harry Houdini and the underwater death chamber. He resigned his position at the University of Tennessee, packed up and left and will hold a press conference (likely longer than the 120-second spectacle he held last night) and talk about USC being his dream job, blah, blah, blah.
Listen, I’m a capitalist of the highest order; if you’re going to pay me more money to do, basically, the same job, I’m your man. I Get it, but there’s a way in which you should leave your job. One way you don’t leave your employer is in the middle of the night, via email or text message. Kiffin has forever burned bridges at U.T. that will never be repaired. This makes the issues between Phat Phil and the University look like a love spat between Popeye and Olive Oyl; and we all know how those two parties feel about one another.

I was listening to the Petros and Money show last night on the Fox Sports radio and they were talking about this very thing. They had college football analyst Chris Landry on and he hit the nail right on the head when he said that Kiffin was not ready for the position as head at U.T.(or ANY S.E.C. school for that matter). In Hollywood, he can say all the stupid things he wants, make false accusations, and recruit criminals and nobody will care because Kobe will score 50 points in any given game and Kiffin will no longer be the main story. There are movie stars and 9 professional sports franchises to hide behind. In the South football is a religion. The head football coach at any member institution is more noticeable than the governor of the state, and likely any of the state’s representatives. Kiffin was clearly not ready for that type of spotlight.
If you think about his camera time, whether in a press conference or on the sidelines before a big game, he always looked as if he needed to take a nice big dump to clean out the system. He just never looked comfortable. I also think that his trophy wife had something to do with the move. She was never really accepted here, she didn’t like the cold weather and snow and I believe that she ultimately pulled the trigger to get the family to move.
Although I’m not a Buddhist, I am a firm believer in Karma and I know it’s a real bitch, and it will, at some point come back to bite Lane Kiffin right in the ass. I can only hope that I can be there to enjoy it. Kiffin has burned bridges at Tennessee and will likely never be back here again. I do hold out hope that we can play them in a bowl game in the next couple of years and kick his ass just out of pure spite!
Al Davis was right when he said that Kiffin would “rip this university apart”. I can’t stand Al Davis, but when you’re right; you’re right. Kiffin did EXACTLY what Davis said he would do.
Somewhere, in a cabin in the Smokies, Phil Fulmer is laughing his ass off and I don’t blame him……

Here's what some of the national sportswriters are saying about Kiffin's speedy departure:

"If there were a stock car race between all the frauds, egomaniacs, and two-faced weasels I've ever covered, Lane Kiffin would have the pole position all to himself." (Gene Wojehowski, ESPN)

"Paris Hilton has paid more dues than Lane Kiffin" (Pat Forde, Senior Writer, ESPN)

I'm putting my money on Kippy Brown, someone who knows Tennessee football, who IS loyal, and who IS honest. It stings for now, but we're better off without that jackwad.

It's be.....a Tennesee Vol!!!!

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Well, I'll Be Damned!!!

Coach Lane Kiffin, piece of shit that he is, has left the University f Tennessee for an easier job in Hollywood and the University of Southern California. Fuck him.....good riddance!!!

More come later....

Friday 8 January 2010

Tyler Smith......Gone!!!

Tyler Smith has become the first casualty of the recent speeding and gun charges for the four arrested U.T. basketball players.
Here's the official statement from the University. Good riddance...

Hope that there's more to follow.....

Thursday 7 January 2010

Oh! How Soon We Forget!!

November 12th, 2009: 3 University of Tennessee football players are arrested for armed robbery on The Strip in Knoxville. Mike Edwards (who?), and Nu'Keese Richardson are kicked off the team. Freshman starter Janzen Jackson gets suspended for a couple of games and returns to the team in time for the Chik-Fil-A bowl. (Lt of good THAT did)
Fast forward to January 1st, 2010: 4 University of Tennessee basketball players are arrested for speeding. Once stopped the police officers find an open container of liquor, a bag of the chronic and.....wait for it......2 guns underneath the front seats! WTF??? Were these brainiacs paying any attention at all on November 12th? Did they not have some sort of team meeting to reinforce the way a college athlete should carry himself?
Not since Loudon County's own Travis Cozart has a more amazing display of stupidity been shown by a U.T. athlete. I really only have one question for the boys; What in the blue hell were you thinking? If you're a world-class athlete like Tyler Smith, and you KNOW that there are guns in the car, boat, submarine, or hot-air balloon, you do not get in that vehicle!!! The four of you have not only ruined the basketball season for the University, but you have likely confined any professional basketball opportunities to countries where you will be payed in Euros or chickens. Anything that happens from here on, you fully deserve. If you get kicked off the team, you deserve it. And let's not forget the excellent education that you just shit on! A free education, that mind you, all you had to do to receive is play freakin' basketball. By the time I graduate from college, I will be another $45,000 in debt. Nice work jackwads!!! The four of you make me want to projectile vomit, and I free no empathy for you whatsoever. Hopefully Coach Pearl can salvage what is left of the season. I truly hope that the general public holds the four of you responsible for whatever becomes of this season. Enjoy your time in Uzbekistan!

Friday 1 January 2010

Thank God That's Over!!!!

Well, the 2009 University of Tennessee football season has come to an end with a drubbing at the hands of none other than the Hokie-neck himself, Frank Beamer. The Vols seemed to be interested in playing during the 1st half, but in the second half, they were completely out-classed. It was really difficult to watch. Jon Crompton will no longer walk the hallowed halls of Gibbs Hall (thank god), and we'll have a brand new QB starting in the spring. But in all fairness to Crompton, he did about as much as he could last night. I mean, when you hit a receiver, full stride, and he drops the damn ball......well.....I think you know how I feel about that issue. The O-line didn't protect Crompton worth a crap last night. We didn't punt worth a damn, and only got to Tyrod once or twice the entire game. I'm just really glad that I can blog about Bruce and the round-ball fellas for a little while. THEY didn't d too much other than end Memphis' 23-game home winning streak. (Kiffy has miles to go before he can carry Bruce's jock strap!) So look forward to some insight 9whatever THAT'S worth) on the basketball Vols coming soon.

Here's wishing all my followers (all 7 of you!!) a very Happy New Year. 2009 was pretty good for me, but I'm hoping that 2010 is a whole lot better.