Tuesday 27 July 2010

Democratic Slavery

Have any of you ever read the 13th Amendment to the Constitution? No? I didn't much think so. Here's what it says, (paraphrasing):
 "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

Well, dear friends, our elected officials are at it again. "More taxes?", you say? No. Less oversight on nearly every government entitlement program available? Nope. No, they went way over the top on this particular piece of legislation. H.R. 5741 is a slavery bill! That's right! I went there....slavery! Read the words for yourself:
Universal National Service Act

To require all persons in the United States between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or in civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, to authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, and for other purposes.

Huh? Are these people COMPLETELY insane? Oh, but it gets better! The bill's sole sponsor is none other than New York Democrat, Charles Rangel....a black man! Huh? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't ol' Charlie up on ethics charges? Is this his contorted way of repairing his damaged reputation and integrity? Is trying t become an anthema to the rest of those serving in the House?
I just don't get it people. For all the struggle, and all the blood and tears that were spilled in the line of duty in the fight for civil liberties and equality for black folks over the past 40 years or so, you'd think the black community would be screaming from the rooftops. I bet they don't.

This is not about Republican versus Democrat, or conservative versus liberal. There's truly not a dime's difference between any of them.

No doubt, this bill is the foreshadow of things to come. Again, it's not about whether or not the bill passes or even gains any traction in the House, but the blatant arrogance that our "leaders" possess to even craft such an aberration!
You'd better wake up America! The day is fast approaching when you're going to wake up, and your liberties will be gone....

Saturday 24 July 2010

James Toney speaks Detroitese

I dare you to close your eyes and listen to what Toney says! I bet you that you can't understand a word! Ugh!!

Friday 23 July 2010

"Lights Out" for Toney

On August 28th, current IBA (???) heavyweight champ James "Lights Out" Toney makes his MMA debut when he steps into the Octagon with UFC Hall-of Famer, Randy "The Natural" Couture in a cross-over bout that is sure to have both the boxing and MMA worlds glued to the TV set. Toney brings with him an impressive career record of 80-6, a big mouth, and a nice case of early-stage dementia. I have been thinking about this fight for some time, and have decided to weigh in on why James Toney is bad for the UFC and for mixed martial arts in general.
First, fighting James Toney has absolutely no ramifications within the UFC. He holds no title, he is well past his prime in the boxing world, and even when Couture does beat him, all he will be doing is humiliating a washed up former boxer who should have a blue handicapped driver tag swinging from his rear-view mirror. There's nothing to gain from this fight. What? You actually think that losing his first, and only MMA fight is going to shut this clown up? I think not.

Second, what if he dies in the ring? Seriously, have you heard this man try to form complete sentences? I mean, I know he's from Detroit, but damn! He's worse than Big John Tate, and John was illiterate. Toney has spoken about the fighters in the UFC having never been hit by a professional boxer with 4 ounce gloves before; NEWSFLASH: Toney has never been hit with 4 ounce gloves before either! And the way his noodle is dangling ever so slightly from the brain stem, one good shot is all it would take to send him on the his maker.

Third, this makes the UFC look like a sideshow. This is the very thing that Dana White has worked to erase; the "human cock-fighting" label that so many ignorant politicians place on MMA. White has said himself that it's a "freak show". Although I will be watching closely, I feel that it will set MMA back a couple of years.

Lastly, there's the massive issue of Toney's mouth. As previously mentioned, he's not going to shut up! I don't know if it's possible for him to stop talking. Hot air has to go somewhere, right? He guy simply WILL NOT stop talking. And for the love of all that is righteous and holy, you media types, stop sticking a mic in this idiot's face every other day so the rest of can get some rest. My brain hurts when I listen to him speak, because I cannot translate, with any accuracy, the native tongue in which he speaks. Guess I need to brush up on my Detroitese....

Couture will destroy James Toney, most likely in the second round. He will try some dirty boxing, which Toney is very skilled at defending, and when that doesn't work, he will plant him firmly on his back and proceed to dislodge the aforementioned noodle from brain stem. Good night James, I wish I could say it's been nice knowing you, but we all know that would be less than truthful.

Wednesday 14 July 2010

How The Rise of MMA Helped The Fall of Boxing

This article was originally posted on http://www.lowkick.com/ and was too good to pass up. Very well written.     


How the rise of MMA helped the fall of Boxing80Posted By Daniel_Cassidy Other News

Looking back at the 60's, straight through to the mid 90's, boxing was huge. Guys such as Muhammad Ali, George Foreman, Mike Tyson, Mike Tyson, Evander Hollyfeild, Amir Khan, Floyd Mayweather, Manny Pacquiao and many many more pioneered the sport for their generation, taking it as high as they could. But make no mistake, boxing is a sport in decline. Super fights are less and less frequent, with fan interest waining each year. Attendances are dropping, PPV sales are decreasing. People just aren't as interested as they used to be.

Looking at MMA, the sport could not being healthier. With most PPV's, the sales increases by each event. Looking through facts and figures, the biggest sell in Boxing to date was Floyd Mayweather vs Oscar De La Hoya, on 5/5/2007, which was watched (legally) by aprox. 2.4 million people worldwide. Compare that to the 1.6 million for UFC 100, not bad at all for an "emerging sport". While boxing may have eclipsed the UFC's highest PPV in 2007, this is the only the second time in 8 years this has happened. It is also worth noting that a huge, indeterminable proportion of UFC fans watch events online illegally, meaning the actual viewing figures would probably give UFC the edge.

Boxing is universally recognised as a "gentleman's" sport, while MMA is still considered by many as barbaric and brutal. Many people still consider MMA an underground fight club, a phase that will pass, while this couldn't be further from the truth. Looking at facts, MMAjunkie does a regular interview with a medical doctor who is an MMA fan. On several occasions he talks about how from a medical point of view, MMA is safer. Examples he cites are that in boxing, if a fighter gets knocked down he is given a standing ten count, where he might be injured, but will still try to persevere. If the fighter has suffered a concussion, at this stage there is no way to tell, receiving more hits will only worsen the long term damage. While in MMA, when a fighter gets knocked down, the fight is usually over seconds later, preventing further damage. MMA safety levels are rising. While injuries do happen, and bones occasionally break in submissions, this is usually a freak accident(unless your name happens to be Shinya Aoki).

While compared to boxing, MMA is still relatively young, and the long term effects cant yet be seen, but looking through some of the boxing greats, Muhammad Ali is now suffering from Parkinson's disease, while George Foreman is so punch drunk he called 5 of his 12 children (one of which is a girl) George. In MMA, the forefathers of the sport become immortal. People will always talk about the time Randy Couture, at 42, caused massive upset when he beat Tim Sylvia, or the time Chuck Liddel knocked out Tito Ortiz(which at the time was the highest rated UFC PPV, with 1.05 buys for UFC 66) In boxing, guys like ALi become figures of the past, talked about, but never really celebrated they way they deserve.

Ask any boxing fan who the biggest or best boxer is today, and they will list maybe 3 or 4 names out, Mayweather, Klitschko Brothers etc, but ask an MMA fan, and there are easily 10-15 fighters who can be considered the best in the world at any one time. From the BJ Penn's, to Anderson Silva, GSP, Fedor, Brock Lesnar, Shogun Rua, there is no real answer. The sport has so many exceptional fighters that fans are almost spoiled for choice. Unlike boxing, where there is maybe 1 or 2 "Must watch" fights, MMA provides us with so many. Almost every UFC card will have a classic match up, or in the case of UFC 116 (currently the second most UFC PPV buys at 1.25 million)

It seems to that many people will be tired of the predictability of boxing, instead looking for something different, and finding MMA. Boxing will only end by decision or KO or TKO, but submissions and a ground game make MMA a different ball game. Even Kicks make it a more explosive sport. Everybody can remember an MMA fight where a guy was getting the Holy Hell beaten out of him, only to throw a "Hail Mary" punch and end the fight, or catch the opponent in an unexpected submission, something all fans love to see. Not only this, but in the "early" days of MMA, before weight limits, fans loved to see a smaller opponent triumph over a much larger one, in an unexpected fashion.

Make no mistake, boxing's time has come and gone. The once proud sport now lies in tatters, with a million and one different weight classes (some varying by as little as 5 pounds) and dozens of championship belts. In MMA, each promotion has their own belts and thats it. While some companies (Strikeforce, Bellator, M-1) are doing well with co-promotion, UFC Presidnet Dana White cites boxing as the reason he point blank refuses to co-promote. and Who can blame him? While it helps smaller companies, it killed boxing. Title belts mean next to nothing. Most Champions have several belts, Mayweather holds around 12 title belts at present, in MMA, if a fighter holds a belt it means who truly has earned it. Only two fighters in UFC history have ever held two title belts in opposing weight classes (BJ Penn - WW and LW and Randy Couture - HW and LHW)

The next two years are critical for MMA and boxing. Mixed martial arts rise will almost mirror the fall of boxing, as fans turn away from the pugilist sport, in favour of something new and exciting. Each year that has past MMA has grown in popularity, with Dana White and UFC becoming synonymous as the brand name for UFC. In my opinion, once Floyd Mayweather retires, boxing will officially be dead. While some fighters like David Haye are huge in Britain, or the Klitschko Brothers in Eastern Europe, nobody else has the world wide appeal that could save boxing. Fact is, there simply aren't enough great boxers to support the sport. Even in schools in America, kids are being taught wrestling, not boxing.

I give boxing another maybe 2 years maximum. And MMA? MMA isn't going anywhere. It's here to stay.

Nobody Saw Nutin'

So here's what we've got thus far in the debacle that is the Bar Knoxville melee...Nobody saw a damn thing! That's pretty much the long and the short of it. Let's look at what the people who were there are saying so far:
1. The one man who was assaulted, and is able to speak, can only state that there were multiple people hitting and kicking him, but he can't say for certain who those people were.
2. Montori Hughes, of the 6'4", 314-pound flavor, stated that the first man who was assaulted came up behind him and punched him in the face for no apparent reason. Nice. (Hughes' attorney, by the way, is none other than Greg Issacs, the University's apparent football defense specialist)
3. The players that have been disciplined by Coach Dooley, save one, are sacrificial lambs and were of no use to the team to begin with, other than to used as tackling dummies.
First, if some big ape is punching me in the face repeatedly, I think I might get at least one good look at him before visiting la-la land. Second, I would hate to think that there are rednecks in the greater Knoxville area that are stupid enough to mes with anyone standing 6'4" and weighing 314 pounds. Third, why is it that the players that have been suspended or kicked off the team don't matter? I want some blood on this one Coach! I truly believe that the fans of this program are sick and tired of the behavior by these thugs and I for one want them gone! All of them! If they were there, kick them off the team. The season is going to suck anyway....make your stand now Coach Dooley! Show these punks that the University of Tennessee IS NOT Miami North.

Friday 9 July 2010

Attitude IS Everything!

We’ve all heard that “attitude is everything” since we were 8 years old playing rec league baseball. That phrase has been posted in every high school locker room in the nation at one time or another.

The latest University of Tennessee football debacle illustrates this more beautifully than any situation that I could think of. Although the story is still developing at the time of this blog, the condensed version goes something like this: several U.T. football players were in Bar Knoxville, the arm pit of the Cumberland Strip. Some sort of fight erupted inside the bar and spilled out onto the street. Involved were those same U.T. football players, and an off-duty police officer. Apparently one of the University’s finest cracked the cop’s melon and dropped him. But that didn’t seem to be enough for this particular scholar who proceeded to stomp and kick the officer until he had bleeding in his brain, and had a fractured occipital joint. (base of the skull) So we’ve got “multiple” college athletes, the smallest of which weighs 200 pounds, beating a 170-pound man, AFTER he was unconscious and on the ground. Very classy guys; way to represent the University. One player in particular, Da’Rick Rogers has only been on campus one month, and has already been arrested!

The real issue here, my dear readers, is not football players being in a bar at 2:40 a.m. on a Thursday night, because we all know that anything that happens after midnight is a good thing. No, the real issue here is the attitude of highly-recruited high school football players. These narcissistic punks have been told since they were 10 years old that they are the next coming of Jim Brown. (most of them couldn’t hold Mr. Brown’s jock on his worst day) The media, their parents, their middle school and high school coaches, scouts, and recruiting services are all at fault here. This specific sect of player does not fully grasp the fact that they have been GIVEN a scholarship to a world-class education for no other reason than they can play football. It completely escapes them. They feel entitled to the scholarship, due in no small part to the aforementioned enablers. These jack wads have never been told “no”, and have likely never been punished for behavior that is deemed unacceptable. So when they fly the nest and are out on their own, what does society think is going to happen? That much freedom, without any apparent support system, will reap benefits of incarceration, and a rap sheet a mile long.

When we, as a society, start treating these pubescent prima donnas like the thugs that SOME of them are, the University of Tennessee will be in much better shape. Speaking purely as a life-long U.T. fan, I would much rather have a few 3-star athletes that appreciate the incredible opportunity in front of them to play for U.T., rather than a 5-star punk that feels like the entire world owes him something because he’s fast!
I sicerely hope that Coach Dooley goes "Roger Goodell" on these morons, beacause they do not deserve to wear the Orange & White!

Thursday 8 July 2010

I Am Officially A LeBron Hater

I've tweeted about it....
ESPN has reported (ad nauseum) about it....Hell they have an entire SHOW dedicated to it...
Every newspaper and online boob has talked about it....

Where will LeBron James play basketball next year? Say it again to yourself...Doesn't it sound ridiculous? It's paramount to "where will Coach Barbour take his next mid-level dump?" (not that too many people care about it)
The very fact that I can't find anything more interesting than THIS to blog about makes my point for me. It's as if the entire world has stopped on it's axis until this kid signs his name to a contract. I guess that's the REAL reason they call him King. Really? Can we please get this shit over with?!?
In reality, this speaks more to America's hard-on for their athletes than it does to Bron-Bron. Ask any person over the age of 55 and they will regale you with stories of how Mickey Mantel, and Ted Williams used to have to get "real" jobs after the baseball season was over. (Maybe not those two specifically....but you get the point) The salaries that these guys makes is beyond my grasp. And before you start in, I'm not a capitalist-hating tree-hugger. I say get all you can get. People do it every single day in the regular working world; why should athletes be any different. I've left jobs for money, why should Bron-Bron be any different?
No; I'm not a LeBron James hater because he makes a ridiculous amount of jack. I'm a LeBron James hater because he is going along with this show, The Decision on ESPN tonight at 9:00. (As a side note; isn't ESPN owned by Disney? Is THAT seriously the best name for this program that they could come up with? That's funny) Are now going to have athlete after athlete conducting prime time television programs dedicated solely to discussing their newest shoe contract, or Gatorade ad? This is a can of worms that will be opened again, and again for years to come. We already have high school senior football players holding press conferences to divulge which university will be paying....uh, I mean which university they will attend. Yes, we do indeed love our athletes, but at some point the idol worship has got to stop. Let Bron go and make more money than he can shove in a hooker's cavernous coochie....just leave the prime time spots for Barbara and Oprah.

Tuesday 6 July 2010

The Cure for Immigration in America, By Theodore Rex

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American, and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet, an American, and nothing but an American....There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American and something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room but for one flag, the American flag. We have room but for one language, and that is the English language....and we have room but for one sole loyalty, and that is a loyalty to the American people."

Theodore Roosevelt, 1907

Monday 5 July 2010

A buddy of mine just sent me the most recent column from Bill Simmons. If you’ve never read any of his stuff, or for that matter never heard of him, please do yourself a favor and read his column on ESPN.com. I was thinking, as I was reading his column about being appointed the National Sports Czar. I mean, why not? We’ve got a drug czar, a national security czar, why not a sports czar. Now in my nirvana, the National Sports Czar would be solely responsible for making corrections to the games we Americans love, that would otherwise go unnoticed. (I’m smiling inside!)

So here’s a list of the things that I would change in sports. (I’m certain that I will be unable to recall everything that I have ever bitched about regarding sports, but I will try)

1. Pete Rose would go into the Baseball Hall of Fame tomorrow. Cooperstown is not for nice guys; hell, Ty Cobb is in there. He might possibly be the worst human being ever. What Pete did on the field will never be done again. Ban him from managing ever again, but he belongs in the Hall.

2. The NBA season would be cut to 40 games, 82 games plus play-offs is just downright silly. NFL season would be cut to 12 games, plus play-offs, and no meaningless pre-season games! What the hell is training camp for? (Sorry Mr. Goddell) MLB season would be cut to 65 games, plus play-offs. Likewise no pre-season, you billionaire owners will just have to find another way to gouge middle-class America. (Here come the concession increases!)

3. NASCAR races would have to race every other race turning right. That’s right all you red-neck racing purists, Big Daddy is dropping the hammer on your beloved national past-time! I would also add more road courses. I mean, do you wanna see these pansies drive or just ride around in a circle for three hours?

4. I immediately move the pitcher’s mound 6” closer to the plate and raise it back up 6”. 72 home runs in one season my ass! Now a home run will actually mean something!

5. The Memphis Grizzlies would move to Nashville. Memphis sucks and everyone but the Grizzlies knows this.

6. The Chicago Cubs would automatically play in the next World Series. Hey! What’s the point of having this kind of power if you’re not going to use it for personal satisfaction at some point?

7. I would implore the UFC brass to sign Hector Lombard, Uriah Faber, and Jose Aldo immediately.

8. The MLB all-star game, in order to "mean something", would involve the winning league getting to host the event the following year. Money makes players play.

9. Sticking with baseball, I would fire Bud Selig tomorrow. The guy is a mixture of Tickle-me Elmo and Herman Munster and has no idea what he's doing.

10. Lastly, I would test every MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL player for performance enhancing drugs, no matter the cost. Oh, and Barry Bonds gets an * beside everything he's ever done in the game of baseball.