Sunday, 30 May 2010

A Soldier's Prayer

NASCAR Drivers Are NOT Athletes!!!!

I was listening to the ramblings of a local yokel on Knoxville’s sports radio station this past Saturday and thought I would join in on the discussion they were having. The show is a NASCAR-based program and they discuss the goings-on in the world of the ultra-rich, spoiled NASCAR drivers, and they were discussing (for some reason) whether or not NASCAR drivers should be considered athletes.

Now, for full and complete disclosure, I am not a huge fan of NASCAR; hell, I’m not even a casual fan. And while I do appreciate what these guys do inside a race car, they are not athletes. This is the point that I attempted to make to the talk show host, who shall remain nameless to protect his ignorance. Upon calling the radio show, I asked the host what the difference was between a truck driver who drives 8-10 hours per day and a NASCAR driver who drives 3 hours one day per week, excluding “practice”. My logic was, and is, that if you’re going to call a race car driver an athlete, then, by that very same logic, you have to place over-the-road truck drivers into the same category. All they’re doing is driving. I drive nearly every day and nobody cares……I know that’s a stupid comparison and was just being sarcastic.

Look, Bo Jackson was an athlete, maybe the greatest athlete ever. Deon Sanders was an athlete; Jim Thorpe; Jim Brown; Michael Jordan…..are you seriously attempting to put a driver of anything in the same category as those guys? That is completely insane! I love drag racing, mainly because unlike the NASCAR fairies they’re not trying to slow the damn car down! They’re trying to take flight! I wouldn’t put them in the class of an “athlete” any more than I would the midget who just won the Kentucky Derby. I’m going to steal one of my father’s favorite phrases and say, if NASCAR drivers are athletes, then I’m a damn jet pilot!

Two reasons why race car drivers are not athletes: First, anyone can be taught to do what they do. Anyone. A well-trained spider monkey can go fast and turn left. You cannot teach what Bo Jackson did. Jim Thorpe was born with his athletic prowess. NASCAR drivers don’t have any special abilities, at least nothing that cannot be taught. Secondly, the only time that the Associated Press has awarded its prestigious “athlete of the year” award to a driver or anything, since 1931, was last year. And THAT was only because Jimmie Johnson won the Sprint Cup 4 times in a row. That simply means that he drives in a circle better than the other idiots on the track. Watch NASCAR this summer; buy your favorite driver’s gear, but don’t tell me that they are athletes; they’re not!

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Quote of The Week

"Don't stress about the people from your past. There's a reason they didn't make it to your future."

(Thanks to David Nelson)

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

My Wife

My wife is one of the most amazing people I've ever met. She gets me, even though she doesn't always understand me. (I'm complex that way)
She supports me without question, but, when needed, gives me a different view of whatever issue I may be dealing with at the time. I lost my job on May 11th, and my Wife has been so incredibly supportive. This is a tough time for us right now, but she just keeps chugging right along. Inside she's probably a bundle of nerves, but you'd never know to look at her.
When I'm sick.....she's there
When I'm an idiot.....she's there (most of the time!)
When we disagree, it's o.k. because neither of us is so prideful as to have to always "win" a discussion. I have several fiends that I consider dear (Mike, D Burt, Andy, Dr. Dare) but without a doubt, my Wife is my very best friend. She knows me like nobody else ever will. She makes me feel as if I can do anything, and that, my dear readers, is an amazing feeling.

I love you, Tam......

Friday, 21 May 2010

Trophies for everyone!!!!!!

Do you ever wonder why kids aren’t allowed to lose any more? Let that marinate in your mind for just a second….

Think about the last time you were at a youth sporting event; did you notice that EVERYONE got a “participation” trophy? If you have doubts, I can assure that they did, even the kid who always plays right field in little league. The kid that the coach did not want to put in the game, but had to according to league rules; yep, that kid got a trophy too.

Why is failing such a feared thing in our society today? Isn’t that where life’s greatest lessons come from? As toddlers, we didn’t learn that the stove was hot just because Mom or Dad said it was; we had to touch it to find out for ourselves that it hurt like hell and then made a mental note to not do it again. That’s failing. The first time we played catch and got hit in the nose with the baseball, or even worse took one right in the package (for my male readers), we failed to catch the ball and paid the price for it. However, we also learned that if we catch the ball when it’s thrown to us, the likelihood of getting a broken nose decreases drastically. We learn when we fail.

Another part of failing is learning to deal with failure. Life is a series of interconnected failures and subsequent successes, and if we are never taught or allowed to experience that horrible, dreaded feeling, we are ill prepared to live in the world today. Failing does not make one a failure at life overall. It makes us stronger; more determined to succeed at whatever it is we’re attempting. Bill Gates failed in his first business venture; Walt Disney was fired from one of his first cartoon artist jobs because, they said, he was not creative enough, and Joe Montana was told from 10-years-old that he was too slow, and that his arm wasn’t strong enough. All Bill Gates did was found a computer empire; Walt Disney became synonymous with animated movies; and Joe Montana in the Pro Football Hall of Fame with three Super Bowl Championships. They all were allowed to fail and they learned from it and came back stronger.

So why is it that we are completely petrified of letting our kids fail every now and again? When is the last time you even heard of a kid failing an entire grade level? Are we doing them justice by passing them on though the system without having the base that they need to succeed? Those of you reading this only know that it’s only going to get more difficult once they’re out of school.

I guess the big question then, is why does everyone get a trophy? What’s the point of having 1st, 2nd and 3rd place if we ALL get a stinking trophy? We’re not doing our kids any favors here folks. In the real world, in the business world, if you don’t sell you get fired; there are no points for 2nd place. If you don’t (or can’t) do your job, the owner will find somebody who can. That’s the reality of life, and by giving “participation trophies” we are crippling our children, and failing to allow them to fail and recover and learn to overcome obstacles.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Tats in The Association

A buddy of mine requested that I give some thoughts and opinions on the tats sported by players in the Association. Now for full disclosure, I have ink and plan to get more, and I hate professional basketball, because most teams have their stud all-star and then 9 supporting role players, and that bores me to tears. That said, I believe that I can be impartial with regard to some of the artwork on display on the hardwood.

Since I refuse to watch the Association, except for the finals, I had to do some online research to view some of the more “interesting” tattoos that players have. Now please understand that there is no right or wrong way to design or wear a tattoo; that’s what makes it beautiful and unique. But even someone who loves the art form, as I do, has to see some comedy in some of the things that these dudes put (permanently) on their bodies. Each tattoo has a story or some significance to its owner, making it one of a kind.

So during my research I discovered several “bad” tattoos that deserve our attention. First there’s Stephon Marbury who has the logo from his discount shoe line tattooed on his naked skull. Bro, I get that you’re trying to pimp your stuff to kids who can’t pay what Bron and Kobe are asking for a pair with their name on it, but you should not tattoo a logo, even if it’s YOUR logo to your naked skull. That is unless you’re planning on growing your hair back any time soon if the kicks don’t take off.

Any time someone gets a tat in a language other than their native tongue, it’s a really bad idea. (Unless, of course, your are fluent in that particular language) What’s an n even worse idea is to get the tat in a foreign language and appear on national TV several times per month. Shawn Marion is just this type of knucklehead. He got a tattoo on his calf, in Chinese no doubt, that was supposed to be translated, “The Matrix”, Marion’s nickname. As it turns out, according to reports, it actually means “smelly duck balls”. Those sneaky Chinamen….

Lastly, we have exhibit C; Chris Anderson, lovingly referred to as “The Bird Man”. (Chris, I really don’t think that’s a term of endearment) Now as if this clown’s hair and sleeved arms weren’t enough of a distraction to anyone actually watching his team play, he took the nickname thing to a whole new level when he got red birds wings ink’d under his biceps, so when he spreads his arms it actually looks like he has wings. Granted, in relation to the size of his frame, it looks like he ganked the wings from a hummingbird, but let’s not split hairs. Chris, if you’re known more for your ink than your game; you suck. Not my opinion, just common sports knowledge.

So in closing, let’s do a quick review of what we’ve learned today……

First, logos on your body, even if it’s your logo is a very bad idea. What happens when you sell the company to some North Korean investment firm? Now you’re sporting their logo. (Logos on the naked skull earns even fewer style points) Second, if you’re going to get a tattoo with language other the language you speak on a daily basis; get a second or third translation before putting ink to skin. And lastly, if you’re a token white dude in The Association, and your nickname is “Birdman”, just smile, keep your head down, and play to the best of your abilities; the fellas will understand. They’re honestly not expecting THAT much of a contribution from you to begin with.

Go ‘head on and get your ink fellas, just remember to think twice……we’ll be watching!

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Hasta la!

Apparently, there's a big stink about some new immigration law in the beautiful state of Arizona. Now....I'm a white dude who lives in Tennessee; I don't get what all the fuss is about. The law, according to reports, "...would make the failure to carry immigration documents a crime and give the police broad power to detain anyone suspected of being in the country illegally." ( Now please feel free to call me whatever white-boy slander you choose, but isn't this what we were supposed to be doing all along? Why are Hispanics so up in arms about this? Look, if you're here legally, then you have nothing to worry about. However, if you are in MY country illegally, then the state of Arizona will promptly ship your ass back across the river. (Simple always works best....)
Now, if the Hispanic community is afraid of being "racially profiled" under the auspices of this law, they damn well should be. Here's a little hint: they've been doing it all along, only now they have the RIGHT to do it! This is in no way an infringement of the accused civil rights; for 2 reasons. First, if you are here illegally, then you have no rights under the Contitution, and anyone who says that you do probably hasn't read the Constitution. Second, if you are here legally, and get stopped for whatever reason, and they ask for your documentation, welcome to the club! The very first thing that a police officer asks me for when I get stopped for a violation is MY documentation! I have never filed suit against a township or county because the officer asked for my documentation; i.e. license and registration. Nor will I. The officer is doing his or her job. Those that do conduct "racial profiling" should be summarily shipped to Mexico to live with their victims. I may be naive, but I don't feel that the majority of police officers behave in this manner.
Another point on this topic; I have heard some really stupid things come out of religious leaders mouths in my short time on the blue marble, but the following statement may very well take the cake, icing and all; "Cardinal Roger M. Mahony of Los Angeles said the authorities’ ability to demand documents was like “Nazism.” Really, Padre? Nazism? Didn't the Nazi party murder millions upon millions of people during World War II? And I'm pretty sure that as they were shoving the Jews into the ovens they didn't ask for their documentation. Oh! That's right, they BRANDED the Jews with their documentation. Guess that just goes to show that one doesn't have to be at all educated and still serve the church.
If you are Hispanic and have gone through the proper channels to be in my country, crappy as they are, then welcome. If you have freely chosen to subvert the process that's in place, then welcome to Arizona. You're visit will be short, as will your return voyage back to the mother land.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Terminated....and relieved

Today, I was terminated for the first time in my working career, at least since I've been an adult. The company that I worked for had undergone multiple transitions since I began working for them in July of 2008.
It was a really nice job when my classmates and I first started. We fielded incoming phone calls from customers who were not the sharpest tool in the shed, but that's o.k. The work was easy and the pay was decent relative to the work.
But then something changed....our incentive structure was reconfigured, and the net result required us to do more work for less money. We had to sell more policies in order to make the same amount we had made only two months prior. I'm not really certain why the incentive plan was changed. The explanation we all received was that it better accommodated the top selling agents. Well, whoop-tee-doo! Why don't we just rearrange the lives and budgets of 40 people for the sake of keeping 12 happy. That makes perfect sense to me.....if I was completely insane.
Another thing that was a continuing issue both me and my co-workers was the incentive plan's complexity. I mean, if you're a Rhodes Scholar, you can probably figure the damn thing out. Rolling averages, and calls per sales, and utilization numbers....bullshit! Give me quota that I'm expected to hit or exceed and get the hell outta' my way!
When they fired me today, as I was telling The Queen over dinner, I was bitter-sweet. I was sad because I have made some wonderful friends at this company. Good, solid people. (Mike, Andy, Danica, and Brent....much love!) I have bills and "child support" to pay so I obviously need to have a job. But the truth of the matter is, I was relieved to get out of that place. I had come to a point in my employment where I loathed my job. I dreaded getting out of bed in the mornings that I had to work because I disliked it so very much. I have come to the point in my life where I am disgusted with working at all. Where I once saw gainful employment as something to be honored and cherished, I now see it as a necessary evil.
I am not a lazy person, never really have been. I enjoy working, and truly hope to find a career that suits me. A place where I can put down roots like my Dad did and just do my job and go home, and be left alone.....


I wrote a blog some time ago regarding ignorant people. It was well-received and I appreciate the feedback from my readers.
Following that same train of thought, I'd like to address narrow-mindedness. The reason for this is that, while not very common, I believe that a person can be narrow-minded and not be (completely) ignorant. The inverse, sadly cannot be said.
Webster's defines narrow-minded as, "Lacking tolerance or flexibility or breadth of view."
Narrow-mindedness affects all races, creeds, genders, and nationalities. You will usually find that some of the most narrow-minded people are ones that you wouldn't expect; and that very statement is a simple form of narrow-mindedness dear friends. :) Conservatives and republican political affiliates often get stereotyped as being narrow-minded; rightly so sometimes. Those deeply associated with religion, regardless of denomination, are criticized for being narrow-minded.
But what makes the fact that a person is narrow-minded such an issue? Is it that they are so bound to their beliefs or sect or affiliation that they are incapable of seeing a broader view of an issue? Possibly. Is it that whatever position the narrow-minded person holds is the "right" way or the "only" way? Could be. Arrogance often accompanies this narrow frame of thought. Must we, as individuals, always be right? If so, why? Does it really matter that much?
Narrow-minded people, of which I used to be, strike me as pitiful, because they so dreadfully cling to their beliefs that progress in a given issue cannot be made.
As an example, conservative churches have long condemned gay marriage. This is based on the holy scriptures and the beliefs that follow it. But does it really matter? Look, if two chicks love each other and want to get married, have at it! It's not going to affect my world one iota. The religious right would counter, "Gay marriage undermines the platform of traditional marriage, and the family structure." Maybe so, but it can't be any worse than us heterosexuals are doing! NEWSFLASH!!! We're screwing that institution up all by ourselves!
Of course, this is but one of many examples that can be found anywhere in the news or online. I do believe that if we, as a nation, were a bit more open-minded, we could get more accomplished.
And by the way, open-minded does not equate liberalism.....

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Same Blog....New Look

I'm just trying to maximize the applications that I have available to me on this blog. Just trying to keep it interesting and fresh. Let me know what you think of the changes.


Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Breakfast Anytime (Especially on Saturdays)

So here's the's Saturday morning, sometime around 10:45. You arose early to try and get a head start on the day. You've already taken the trash to the dump, done a few things in the yard, and you're headed to an early soccer match in a neighboring town. You had so much going on, that you completely forgot to eat breakfast, and now you are starving! No worries. You hop in your vehicle and start down the street to your local fast food eatery. They have really good sausage biscuits. You think that you may even get 'em to put some cheese on it. After all, you've worked damn hard this morning.

You pull up to the drive through to place your order......and the words "Sausage biscuit, please" have barely rolled off your lips, when you are summarily dismissed by the acne-laced teen on the opposite end of the broken microphone! "Sir, we stop serving breakfast at 10:30", he says, ever so princely. 

What?!? It's Saturday at 10:45 in the freakin' morning for cripes sake! Why can't I have a delicious sausage biscuit? I'm willing and able to pay full price for it! Who eats a Big Mac at 10:45 in the morning anyway?(I know, I'm arguing against my own point!) Do these uneducated, inbreds visit the establishment very often? This is utter blasphemy! "Where's the manager?" "Who's running this Mickey Mouse operation anyway?"

Who made this ridiculous rule? What difference does it make what time your Wal Mart watch says when I order a sausage biscuit or pancakes or orange juice? I mean, seriously, it's a full hour and 15 minutes before the globally recognized lunch time anyway.

Somehow, some way, this rule must be changed. I know! Maybe we can get an earmark on the new healthcare "reform" bill for "breakfast time change". Would that be entirely too hypocritical? More Americans receiving "free' healthcare, as well as, getting their sausage biscuit with cheese sometime after 10:30 a.m. Everybody wins!!!
Since I'm not at all interested in any more government mandates, I think a simpler fix would be to have all fast foods chains, and anyone else interested in competing in the open market of sausage biscuits with cheese, to offer breakfast at any hour while they are open for business. No government mandate; no federal legislation; just do this, fast food chains, for no other reason than it's the right thing to do for America.

The Coach

Motivational Poster of The Week

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Boxing Is Dead.....

Well, I am writing this to my readers today with a partially heavy heart. I have long loved the sport and art of boxing; the "sweet science". I have watched boxing most of my 40 years on this earth ans even competed in a few bouts when I was much younger and far more stupid.
But I am here today to tell you all that boxing is dead. The new king of combat sports is Mixed Martial Arts, i.e. UFC, Strikeforce, et. al. I watched in utter amazement as Floyd "Money" Mayweather defeated "Sugar" Shane Mosley by doing little more than landing the occasional jab, mixed in with a total of three straight rights. Floyd was paid somewhere in the neighborhood of $22.5 million for this sham, and Mosley received a paltry $7 million.
I was physically ill watching the "fight", and I'm still nauseous thinking about it. One of my buddies, who was also watching the fight said, "How can two grown men beat on each other for over 30 minutes and not even look like they've been in a fight?"
My thoughts exactly.....
MMA is not perfect by anyone's estimation. However, what MMA does offer to the fight fan is a complete package of fighting skills. In boxing, the only thing that you have to worry about is your opponent's hands. In MMA, you must worry about your opponent's hands, his shins, his legs, his elbows; all of it. And anyone who states that MMA is "human cock-fighting" is simply ignorant of what the sport has become through proper sanctioning and training.
Last night some paid nearly $50 to watch "Money" artfully dodge all that Mosley threw at him for 12 boring-assed rounds. This Saturday, I will likely pay nearly $50 to watch up to five fights that individually will be better than the trash I watched last night, and collectively better than any pay-per-view boxing event since Tyson-Douglas. The great heavyweights are either dead, comatose, or retired in boxing. The smaller weights, such as welterweight and super welterweight are all that's left and nobody other than hardcore fight fans care anything about those guys.
"Money" can take is money and go away. He is no longer relevant in the world of combat sports. Good riddance. I would rather watch Spencer Fisher or Clay Guida fight any day of the week than that bum and twice on Sunday!!