Wednesday 25 November 2009

What I Believe....For Better or Worse

In any English Literary class in this nation, the professor will tell you that when you compose a paper, not to give in to your desire to input your beliefs. State only what you can prove; that's the scientific and critical way to write a paper correctly.
Fortunately for my lucky readers, I am not writing a college paper for a grade so I get to write whatever the hell I want!! (I obviously have major issues with my past Eng. Lit. professors!!)

I believe that America is the greatest country on planet Earth.
- We certainly don't have all the answers, but we've alot of them figured out.

I believe that "healthcare reform" will not make you any healthier than you are today.
- If you weigh 400 pounds, smoke 4 packs a day, and eat every other meal at Mickey D's, then the only thing that you're going to get out of this "healthcare" bill is free healthcare when you have a massive heart attack.

I believe that the two-party political system in this country isn't worth a damn!
- It's still better than 99% of the rest of the world's governments, but seriously, is THIS the best we can do? If so, then we are FUBAR...

I believe that the President of The United States should have served a minimum 4-year enlistment on active duty in our military.
- How do you expect to lead the most powerful military machine in the world, if you have not walked a mile in the soldier's boots?

I believe that Warren Buffet should be in charge of the Federal Reserve or the G.A.O., or both!!
- I mean, have you seen how this dude controls and manages money?

I believe that there is a god, a creator, but that no single religion or superstition has got him completely figured out.
- Wouldn't kinda' defeat the point of being god?

I believe that hose who speak on behalf of god are very dangerous people.
- David Koresh
- Jim Jones / Any questions?

I believe that people should be judged on their character, and their work ethic rather than the color of their skin, religious beliefs, or whether or not they happen to prefer girls or guys in the sack.
- (Hypocritical moment coming) Having said that, anyone who still believes that Islam is a peaceful religion just ain't paying attention.

I believe that the sense of entitlement that has plagued this country for far too long is a very dangerous mindset and hurts both the individual and the nation.
- You need look no further than the welfare program in this country to understand what I'm talking about.

I believe that we are spoiled in this country and that the vast majority of us do not appreciate the massive amount of freedom, although dwindling, that we enjoy.
- Take a trip to nearly any country of your choosing and you will come to love the freedom you enjoy here.
- Why the hell do you think EVERYONE wants to come HERE?????

I believe that teachers, firemen, policemen, and our military are disgusting underpaid.
- Nuff said about that one

I believe that teachers should be re-certified every two years and if they don't make the grade, so to speak, then they need to look for a different line of work.
- This is our future we're trying to educate.

I believe that Carolina blue and Big Orange are the two most beautiful colors in the spectrum.
- Sorry Pop

I believe that free markets should determine whether or not a company is able to compete and stay in business.
- This is purely survival of the fittest

I believe that my wife is the most amazing woman that I have ever met!
- Love you sweetie!

I believe that if your annual salary is $35,000, you should not be trying to buy a home that costs $300,000.
- The math just doesn't work people; regardless of what the loan officer tells you

I believe that there are individuals in this world who should never, under any circumstances:
- Marry
- Hold a political office
- Own a gun
- Reproduce
- Drive a car

I believe that algebra, as a course, is a complete fucking waste of time for 98% of the students forced to take it!

I believe that Kate Gosselin gets waaaaay too much air time and is the spawn of satan
- Can this skank just go away or die???

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Dangerous Activities and Stupid People

This one is not an original blog, but IT IS an original thought. Ol' Lawrence just beat me to it. I have posted this small article of his because it nails so many points that I have thought of over the years. (Many of those thoughts coming on my wonderful morning commute on Pellidega Parkway) Enjoy!

“Every day some do-gooder is trying to save us from ourselves. We have so many laws and safety commission to ensure our safety that it seems nearly impossible to have an accident. The problem is that we need accidents, and lots of them.

Danger is nature’s way of eliminating stupid people. Without safety, stupid people die in accidents.

With safety, however well-intentioned it may be, we are devolving into half-witted mutants, because idiots, who by all rights should be dead, are spared from their early graves and are free to breed even more imbeciles.

Let’s do away with safety and improve our species. Jay-walk. Play with blasting caps. Swim right after a big meal. Stick something small in your ear. Take your choice of dangerous activity and do it with gusto. Future generations will thank you.”

Lawrence A. Bullis

Saturday 21 November 2009

God, Sports, and "Spiritual 'Roids"

I should begin this posting my admitting that I am a sports nut. I love (most) sports, warts and all. I love the fact that there are people who get paid obscene amounts of money to play a child's game. I love the fact that we, as Americans, care more about our favorite football fantasy league that we do about who is 'representing" us in Congress. We really love our sports in this country; and that's o.k.

But here's a hang up that I have with sports; athletes, coaches, and fans routinely ask god to cheat. That's right folks! Honest, hard-working Americans, who have never stolen or told a lie in their lives ask god to cheat for their respective sports team weekly, if not daily.

Confused? Don't be, here's what I'm referring to. Think about the last time you saw your favorite baseball player setting up to the plate and "crossing-up" before digging in. Or a running back on your fantasy team score his 2ND touchdown of the day and points to the sky upon entering the promised land. Are these athletes not asking god to cheat by asking him to give their team a victory? Does god care who wins the World Series, even if it's the damn dreaded Yankees? I mean, if we're all god's children aren't those ask him to help their team win, asking him to be something less than the Almighty? Does he love his children in New York or Boston more than those in Atlanta, or Lenoir City? (actually if you look at the recent history of L.C. football this may be the case!)

I chuckle every time I see a athlete lob his or her hail Mary to heaven. I seriously doubt that god is necessarily a Cowboys fan, "America's team" or not.

On what criteria do I base this conclusion, you ask? It's simple; if god were rooting for a specific team they would stick out like a sore thumb because they would never, ever lose! They would be the greatest dynasty that ever existed! I really don't think Bear Bryant could out coach god.....(that's right 'Bama fans, the bear wasn't actually god, you just treated him like he was.)

I mean, isn't this the equivalent of spiritual steroids? By performing these superstitious acts, believing it's somehow reaching your god, aren't you, in fact, asking him to less that a god?

Just something to think about the next time you see a player "cross-up" before taking his swings against Mo Rivera with 2 out in the bottom of the 9Th.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Free At Last......Free At Last!!

Well gang, ol' Coach became a free man as of November 9th, 2009. I am free of the tyranny; free from the anger and the vitriol; free from the nagging and the nitpicking. I feel like I just lost 160 pounds of dead fucking weight!!!

I will soon marry the woman of my dreams. Someone who treats me like I should be treated and I want her to know that I lover her with all that is in me.

I have never been so happy....but not to worry; the blogs will continue because there's still stuff that needs to be said, and there will always be shit that just pisses me off!

Saturday 14 November 2009

Save Your Un-Raptured Pets....For God's Sake!

I've embedded a link in the title of this blog. I'm seriously still trying to decide whether or not to even comment on this stupid thing. I guess I will just let you guys read it and make up your own minds. I can only hope that anyone that reads this blog understands that Eternal Earthbound Pets is a complete scam. Atheists despise everything that those who are religious (especially Christians) espouse. And I'm still not completely certain that the website isn't a joke. In their FAQs they state that it's not. But the site made me laugh so damn hysterically, that I had to spread the "good news" (so to speak).

Please click on the link and educate yourself about it and make up your own mind. Please keep your laughter to yourself......

Friday 13 November 2009

Cut 'Em Loose Lane!!!

After reading John Adams column online this morning, I felt like I had to weigh in on the situation with the U.T. football program. Since Lane Kiffin took over, there have been 0 off-the-field incidents. None. Nada. Nil. Zilch. And then the inevitable happened......the fellas cut loose. Nu'Keese Richardson, Jantzen Jacksion, and Mike Edwards (who?) were arrested Wednesday with alleged attempted armed robbery.
These pampered athletes really make me want to puke sometimes. I mean, you guys have the would by the juevos; you can go and be anything you want. You get to run through the "T" every Saturday and are worshipped by nearly everyone in K-Town. What possess you to do something so mindless? Were the re-runs of "The Office" not on on Wednesday night? We're you really that bored? Think about this...."Hey man, let's get a BB gun and go jack some geeky dudes for their money!"
That makes no sense whatsoever! I believe, as John Adams has correctly stated in his column today, Coach Kiff has the option to do the right thing here. If they're convicted, they all 3 need to be summarily dismissed from the team; never to return. Let 'em go play Division III football somewhere. Frankly I couldn't care less if I tried to. I'm sick of athletes, both college and pro, thinking that they run the damn place. I really feel nauseous as I'm writing this! Of course, they are innocent until proven guilt in a court of law, but if they are proven guilt, cut 'em loose! And I really hope that each player's worth to the team as a player doesn't factor in to the decision. Jantzen is an amazing player and likely in the running for freshman All-SEC. The other two are just idiots that no one would miss if they disappeared tomorrow.
Do the right thing Coach!!!

Tuesday 10 November 2009

For Those Who Served

If you've ever complained about how a local election in your respective city or county turned out......

If you've ever gone to whatever church or mosque you choose, to worship whatever god yo choose to worship.......

If you've ever cast a ballot in a political race......

If you have ever gotten into a car that you paid for and listened to whatever music genre you choose, while driving to a job that you picked of your own free will.....

If you've ever expressed your opinion in an open forum......


These freedoms and many, many others are the direct result of Veterans who cared enough to do the most difficult jobs for the least amount of money, in the worst imaginable situations in existence. The old saying goes, "If you love your freedom, thank a Vet." Never have more true words been uttered.

Lord knows our elected "representatives" aren't getting damn job done. (By the way, they're not public servants.)
Vest, for the most part, love this country. If you come across an old man on your next trip to your local Wal Mart, thank him, because he likely served his country for YOU.
Vets typically don't ask for much.....
We don't want parades......
We don't want awards......
But what we do want is for the general public to acknowledge our personal sacrifices on a number of levels. This can be accomplished very easily by a simple "Thank you."

So by all means, go vote, drive you car, marry the person you want to, listen to whatever music your see fit. Eat, drink and be merry, just don't forget that there are men and women dying for your precious freedom.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Yankees Win!!!!

Yankees win! Yankees win!!


Wednesday 4 November 2009

"Pellidega and The Morning Commute"

Picture it: you're on your way to work on a gorgeous Fall morning. The birds are a-singing, the sun is a-shining and all appears to be well in your little piece of the universe.
And then it happens; the asshole who overslept appears in your rear-view mirror and he's gaining......FAST!
The birds have stopped their chorus of melody; the sun has raced behind the nearest cloud in preparation for what is about to come, and your knuckles tighten on the steering wheel. What is about to happen can only be described as Road Rage. Your pupils dilate; your heart rate increases, sending adrenaline coursing through your body; you are at Defcon 5. Your vision narrows, forming the perfect tunnel through which to run this jackwad right off the road if he even THINKS about trying to pass you!!!
But then you have a moment of reality and come to understand that you're not driving the Porsche 911 turbo that you often dream of. Oh no dear friend! You are, in fact, driving your 1999 Ford Explorer XLT, which has about as much road grip and handling as a Mexican burro. Dammit!!!
Oh well, Mario Andretti would be please with you mental preparation anyway....
So back to Billy Bob Duchebag.....he's gaining and gaining quickly. You are already in the "fast" lane and traveling at a rate of speed that could qualify you for next year's Indy 500; why in the hell should YOU move? But Billy Bob keeps coming; HE wants you go faster. Now understand, that HE has no problem going faster in his gigantic 4x4 super crew cab pick-em-up truck! You take a quick glance over to see just exactly what you're dealing with...YEP! The motherfucker's got a Hemi in it!
So, at this point you understand that you essentially have three choices:
(1) you can speed up to just below the speed of sound and try to figure out just how fast ol' Billy Bob wants to go
(2) You can tap your brakes ever-so-lightly as he continues to gain on you. In doing this you will undoubtedly discover just how late to work he is. If he wants to kick the shit out of you right there on Pellidega Parkway, then he's not THAT late.
(3) You can move over to the right-hand lane and let this jackass pass you and harass the person in line.
You do the wise thing and move over into the right-hand "slow" lane and let him pass; which he does with amazing agility. Damn! Those trucks move well for a big man! But now you're in the "slow" lane....Oh dear god! What have you done? You quickly decide to get your ass back into the "fast" lane since that's where the cool people hang out. Man, you really hate the "slow" lane don't you?

Why do we hate being passed so? Is it just me? Actually, I think that it is JUST me? I think I still have issues from taking my driver's license test back in '86. My instructor that day was just a bitch who had no sense of humor at all.....
Oh calls